Monday, April 4, 2022


Kirk Wang is NOT the co-founder of The Epoch Times.

Why would candidate for governor of Oregon, Kerry McQuisten, give Wang such a lofty title? Oregon voters are looking for honesty, integrity, forthrightness, accuracy and transparency in the 2022 elections.


 Photo credit - Joel Pawloski

Wondering how the co-founder of The Epoch Times came to meet with a candidate for governor, and only meet with one candidate for governor, it was learned Kirk Wang is not the co-founder, but a VP in the subscription department of the newspaper. 

As well there is no “co-founder.”  John Tang is the founder of the Epoch Times in 2000.


Is a tangled web being woven in Oregon politics in 2022?

Since the resignation letter of the Oregon Republican Party (ORP) chair, Senator Dallas Heard the battle for integrity, honesty and transparency is being fought. Candidate McQuisten, recently, starting with a Baker City forum where she had voters removed, then apparently on a roll off of the event, attempted and failed to have candidate Marc Thielman removed from the Reawaken America Tour in Keizer. The tour was not her venue. Capturing herself as having a major sit down with the founder of The Epoch Times (ET) when ET has authored no articles on McQuisten. Epoch Times authored articles (2) on Thielman. This seemed perplexing to some watchers of the events that are unfolding.

Senator Dallas Heard called out in his resignation letter the ORP National Committeeman Solomon Yue. Yue is among some former ORP individuals supporting McQuisten. 

With McQuisten's penchant for posting photos on her Facebook page why is a Solomon Yue photo-op not one of them? 

The uproar around Heard’s letter resulted in angry words of recrimination coming from the former old timers in the ORP, including accusing Heard of racism. They took umbrage as well at Heard describing their tactics as "communist" tactics.

Solomon Yue, the old timers said, was and is a big supporter of President Donald J. Trump. Looking for a photo of Trump and Yue for this article, none were found in an internet search. Given Yue’s words of tremendous support for Trump why is there no photo of the two of them together?

Other county GOP parties had concerns as well regarding Solomon Yue and Suni Danforth:

Instead, Truth in the Pacific Northwest found articles of just the opposite, and that Solomon Yue had been a Cruz supporter, and Yue’s 1300 word email to the Rules Committee to make a last minute change in the rules did not fly back then even as Yue claimed it was to help Trump.

Another character in the 2016 rules drama was a guy named Anuzis.


Heard in his resignation letter attempted to describe the chaos, confusion, gaslighting, underhandedness he experienced in his time as chair. Given the secretiveness of how the ORP and some of the other county GOP parties operate. objective observers were not allowed into such meetings until the Black Conservative Preacher (BCP), livestreaming journalist showed up at the last state central committee meeting to witness the emotional uproar and bullying. The BCP, Quincy Franklin, his first time at an ORP state central committee meeting was shocked. 


Oregonians who have not been involved with the Oregon Republican Party for very long wonder about the long time and long entrenched machinations of the party.


Machinations might be the descriptive word for what is currently unfolding with the Oregon old timers, Suni Danforth, Bill Currier, and David Darnell even as they are outside of the ORP? Might be most descriptive for the man inside the ORP, in the shadows ,pulling some machination strings for Kerry McQuisten, Solomon Yue?

A curious item McQuisten has yet to post on her Facebook page, looks to be a news article claiming that Eric Trump had a scheduled meeting set with Kerry. The article included the information from Kerry that Eric Trump walked across the room and hugged Solomon Yue, “McQuisten notes, “The first thing Eric did was cross the room and give Mr. Yue a hug…”


But the “news” site it turns out to be from a website that gets press releases out thus it was not written by a newspaper, reporter, or other publication attending the event, but written by the candidate herself or possibly Solomon Yue? And looking at the photos, “the scheduled meeting” was merely in the media tent along with everyone else who happened to be in there?

But to be fair to Solomon Yue and Kerry McQuisten Truth in the Pacific Northwest sent off a message request to President Donald J. Trump to confirm the hug, and the pre-arranged scheduled meeting with the mayor of Baker City. In addition, that if Trump has a photo of himself with Solomon Yue to please send that. And if Trump would confirm that Yue is the one who is bringing him to Pendleton, Oregon. 

April 4, 2022


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Ben Edtl running for ORP Chair is bringing a verbal flamethrower to the Oregon Republican Party statewide meeting in Portland, Oregon on February 22nd.

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