Monday, March 28, 2022


Megyn Kelly knows about being cancelled -  4 hour March 25, 2022 interview with Bobby

The interesting, life giving, life sustaining media coverage is now found off the mainstream corporate grid. Truth compels and finds ways to speak. Truth hates being bored. Truth always wins.

Bobby here with three of his sons is a Kennedy for gosh sake, the nephew of Democrat President John F. Kennedy and the son of Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, and Portland media can’t seem to read his book, The Real Anthony Fauci, a best seller since November 2021. In its 12th printing. When will Portland journalists rise up against their corporate masters?

Kennedy’s book is well researched, well sourced, well documented and well cited. What’s the problem with Portland media? Why isn’t every television station, radio station, and print media interviewing him about his book on Anthony Fauci? Truth in the Pacific Northwest (TPN) knows from some of the reporters that their jobs are totally controlled by “national.” They were reduced to nothing more than script readers.

When Truth in the Pacific Northwest was just a subconscious idea in the editor's life she was out photo documenting in March-April of 2020, daily for three weeks, at the emergency rooms, the Urgent Care clinics, MASH tents and test sites in the Portland/Vancouver Metro areas during Governor Kate Brown’s first shutdown of the state (including the Pacific Ocean) THAT no emergency was in progress! Where was the Portland media?

Photo documenting, daily, caused Providence Hospital to get more elaborate with their costumes until, by March 30, 2020, it looked like a scene out of a 2001 Space Odessy movie and still no emergency going on. One lone woman showed up scared to death about the emergency, and she begged to have a test. The hospital staff at the empty MASH tents told her “no.” She left yelling and crying about the hospital not helping her. An ER boss that day was quite irritated at the question, “How many positive test results have you had?” ER boss man would not answer.

By May 2020, the MASH tents were gone!

By the second week in of photo documenting no emergency was going on as well as being told by a doctor’s office at the Providence Hospital site that the reason the test site was so empty was “…because we were getting too many negative test results,” TPN started visiting Portland media companies in April 2020 to find out why they were not out getting the story?

Our biggest Portland news company the Oregonian blocked me on Twitter after I posted photos of the Recall Kate Brown petition tables. The Oregonian and KBOO were the most shut down companies, the others had at least one lone staff member inside to receive information.

                                                                                 At KATU catching a reporter over the fence when asked why they weren’t out getting the story that no emergency was going on, the reporter said, “We’re not allowed to leave the station.” Information for KATU had to be put through the fence and left on the ground.

The one Willamette Week staff left in the building seemed truly afraid and took materials as though he was afraid some virus was on the envelope. The owner Mark Sussman is married to the Oregon Attorney General. 


 At KBOO…nobody home.


 KGW said, “Slide it through the door.”

By November of 2020 after posting photos on Twitter and tagging PDX media companies, the hospital responded to that witnessing that no emergency was going on by putting the MASH tents back up at Providence Hospital, and stationing two security guards after the reporter had been back there two days in a row to document “…still no emergency going on!”

The Oregon Convention Center in Portland had three…count them three electronic signs stating that there was a COVID-19 Test Site at the Center (November 2020). Three signs and no test site, going day after day no test site. After the witnessing was made public one of the Portland media companies authored a story that the test site was just for OHSU (Oregon Health Sciences University) employees. That’s not what the signs read. PDX media then wanted citizens to believe that hospital workers up on the hill had to get in their cars, drive to a parking garage to get a test they couldn’t get at their hospital? 

In December 2020 still no signs of an emergency. Now in 2022 with the tricked out question of being worried about “hospital beds” why weren’t the MASH tents put back up and FINALLY used? Photo documentation continued to show the same empty test site, the only difference was the weather and the season of the year. 

A good number of journalists within the mainstream media are not happy at the script reading role they are given by “national” thus it is alternative media and just plain common folks and common sense decision making to just talk to each other. The unintended consequence of Kate Brown’s lock down is that those not afraid met in person. A sense of community returned to those folks who then started taking direct actions and that’s how many learned of Bobby’s work in 2020. 


In February 2021 on the first of giving the jab the "test" site was "permanently closed".

Will Portland media find their ethical DNA, their spunk or have some Constitutional rebels who will join up with the citizens of Oregon to review Kennedy’s work, and will any PDX media interview Robert F. Kennedy, Jr when he comes to Oregon this week?

Isn't it time for the Oregon Twilight Zone Episode to end? If media does interview Bobby don't do your usual weird edits and headlines. And link the full interview in the body of your report so the reader can give you feedback.

March 28, 2022




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