Thursday, January 4, 2024

"Rules for Radicals" Republican candidates finally showed up. Non-affiliated and Democrat voters even in Multnomah County, Oregon are glad to see them. The Democrats finally went a Bridge too Far and Portland, Oregon is the City of Bridges. Tolling set the flame afire within all voters, political party does not matter. How did Republicans come to fear Alinsky? And why is Donald J. Trump going to win in 2024?

Some Republican break-out candidates running in 2024 are already doing the leg work in their districts and precincts. These candidates threw away the Oregon Republican Party, so-to-speak-handbook, authored by so-called, "self-identified party leaders" who themselves are afraid to engage with anyone including, regular common citizen Republican voters, let alone regular non-Republican voters.

The entrenched party "leaders" will not look at how Republican Dennis Richardson won in 2016 to become Oregon Secretary of State, and emulate his winning strategy. Richardson got over 200,000 non-Republican votes. His platform was to do audits on children harmed in daycare, foster care, CPS and public schools. That simple. Dennis won.  Entrenched Republican "leaders" in the legislature allowed HB 2002 bill to pass into law. It protects Mengele/Gosnell type doctors who do sexual mutilation experiments on children and those who kill healthy full term babies. Not only protects them, it invites convicted felons from other states to apply for those jobs.

What they seem to not understand is when they walked out to protect babies, children and youth, they were lauded and extolled by voters worried about children. "Finally" some said, "some Republicans have balls and are going to stop this Nazi bill that's going to protect doctors who mutilate children and kill healthy full term babies." Others, cynical said, "No, they'll cave like they usually do."

The Saul Alinsky type Republican candidates out in the community engage with kindness and respectful listening find voters from all political parties are glad to see and talk with them. The Democrat Party, it is clear went a bridge too far.

The meltdown and fear about Saul D. Alinsky dissipates when one actually stops to read his book. Published in 1972, it's the year Alinsky died. 

It was the year Alinsky put on his calendar to organize "...the middle classes..." of America. Alinsky wrote, "...the middle classes are numb, bewildered, scared into silence. They don't know what, if anything, they can do. This is the job for today's radical--to fan the embers of hopelessness into a flame to a great extent the middle class of today feels more defeated and lost than do the poor.

The biggest take-away from Alinsky and his "rules" is that they are not hard, fast or rigid. They are in the moment observant, mindful, flexible in a living organic manner versus a set of rigid "do this, do that" robotic motions devoid of human connection. 

The Tea Party utilized Alinsky in the later 1990s in Yakima, Washington State, with a large outdoor walkabout display in the public square of the Constitutional history of United States highlighting the foundational documents. What happened in the 2000s that caused Republicans to fear Alinsky? This woman who hitched a ride to serve Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton along with Barrack Obama all of sudden made others afraid to read and use Alinsky's suggestions.

Roger Ebert, the movie critic, wrote in 2011 about this fear, "As I read them, it occurred to me that these Rules are strategic, not ideological. Alinsky was of the Left, but the Rules have no party."

 By the time Barry Obama comes along in 2008, writes in his memoir about being a "Community Organizer", the only thing his book highlighted was him organizing some kind of recycling project. He's being "taught" to becoming an organizer and admits in the book it is hard. Obama doesn't organize in the spirit or intent of Alinsky. Organizing a community to recycle in not political action, recycling 

bottles is not "Giving it to the Man!". 

Obama's memoir is the sad life of the little boy he was with a mother who worked for CIA in a fashion to how Gloria Steinem worked for CIA in the late 1950s. Obama couldn't even put a picture of his father on the cover of his book. 

The "research" agency Obama worked for in New York City before he ended up in Chicago was a CIA front. Obama doesn't say it in the book, but a reader picked up on something, let author Bill Blum know, and in Blum's research confirmed it was a CIA front agency, and wrote an article about it. Generationally Obama comes from a CIA family.

Saul Alinsky only had contempt for the radical Underground Weathermen group. Alinsky was not some kind of Marxist wanting to bring socialism or communism to America. Alinsky wrote, "True, there is government harassment, but there is still relative freedom to fight. I can attack my government, to organize to change it. That's more than I can do in Moscow, Peking or Havana.

Of the individuals, including Hollywood celebrities, the Democrat Party let into their meetings to then flood the streets and social media causing uproar and destruction,...Alinsky would say they failed in "...the art of communication...".  Alinsky type organizers, "...would have ruled out attacks on the American flag." 

Rules for Radicals has citations regarding America's Founding Fathers, Christianity and the Bible. Alinsky might also have the key as to why almost everyone is so triggered by even saying the name "Adolf Hitler." More about Adi Schicklgruber in another article.

Alinsky had another key radical rule most citizens don't do, "It is not enough just to elect your candidates. You must keep the pressure on." President Franklin D. Roosevelt said to a group meeting with him, who he agreed with, "Okay, you've convinced me. Now go out and bring pressure on me."

One of Alinsky's rules is to keep it happy and fun. Which is what Gary Wilson, who won his school board election in November 2023 and his core group did monthly, consistently, for four years in Clark County, Washington State. Alinsky kept it to such fun that the opposition sometimes collapsed just through learning what Alinsky had organized at airports and theaters to do. He didn't even have to follow through.

Projecting anger, hate or bitterness is a turn off. Such a reaction shows fear. Who wants to hang out with fearful whiny people? Rather as Alinsky wrote:

"* Rule 6: A good tactic is one your people enjoy. "If your people aren't having a ball doing it, there is something very wrong with the tactic."

The biggest causal dynamic ratcheting up fear in America is the Mockingbird Media, the establishment media, Legacy media, CIA media, mainstream media...has a number of names, those companies who gaslight Americans. 

What does a candidate do?

Well, Gary Wilson told the truth, he had documents to back up the truth and he put that on his LARGE signs set on major street corners in Clark County, Washington State

Gary won and then added a "Thank You" to his signs.


 What would Saul Alinsky say about the dependent young people who destroyed areas of downtown Portland, Oregon? "Reluctant to grow up, or incapable of doing so, they want to remain children and be cared for by others...The result is that he comes to depend on public authority...". Alinsky wasn't supporting Marxism, socialism or communism...he extolled the Christian foundation of our Republic. 

Alinsky was about to organize the middle classes when he died of a heart attack at age 63 in 1972.

Why is Donald J. Trump, the Donald, the Trumpster going to win in 2024? Truth in the Pacific Northwest had a reporter on the ground for two weeks in New York City making observations and engaging in many of the most crowded tourist areas of the city from Rockefeller Center, Central Park, Times Square, Brooklyn, to a Jamaican area of NYC said to be dangerous, Queens, Wall Street, the Museums, theaters, outdoor markets, restaurants, Grand Central Station, on the subways, to out on Long Island to the Hamptons. What did he find? Not the images we see on mainstream media and social media news. He saw clean streets, no homeless, people having fun, large crowds and people were safe. The police are managing the safety of New York City.

TPNW reporter saw barriers erected across the street from the Trump Tower so asked the police in the photo what the barriers were for. The police said, "photo ops". 

Everyone he asked said they were voting for Trump.

What the gaslighting media has done to New York City is take the reductionist power of the close-up photo, take a microcosm moment in time, in one area, blow it up to seem to appear that it is HUGE and happening everywhere, at all times, and all day long and night. New York City is safer than Portland, Oregon.

Rules for Radical Republicans are out meeting the public in their districts and precincts without fear and with goodwill for all. They come from a good heart and a lively spirit that neighbors find engaging. They don't do scripted talking. They are interesting to talk with as they listen to the voters in Oregon. From the insane lock down days of Oregon that started in 2020 people want in-person engagement, they are hungry and thirsty for community engagement.  

It's not about a political party label anymore. They will be liked for who they are, and not their party label. As well the citizens of Oregon are sick and tired of being taxed to death.


Current Republican Party leaders who are reactionary towards voters and precinct committee people need to take heed. 





There's a new posse in town about to be elected.  They aren't afraid to engage, can't be pushed around, intimidated, and when elected they'll have their own posse of voters/constituents who will support them as they follow through with their campaign platforms.

January 4, 2024

1 comment:

  1. Do you ever tell people that you were fired from your job?


Ben Edtl running for ORP Chair is bringing a verbal flamethrower to the Oregon Republican Party statewide meeting in Portland, Oregon on February 22nd.

On a campaign promise to return power to the neighborhood duly elected Precinct Committee Persons (PCPs), not even Ben Edtl is aware of the ...