Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Men doing Locker Room Talk don't say, "I failed, I admit it." With President Trump set on a winning course, patterns will repeat so let's take a kind of Ricky Gervais comedic look at young Billy Bush talking to the Donald in 2005.


Locker Room Talk dictionary definition: "Crude,
vulgar, or bawdy talk, often involving boasts about one's sexual conquests".

Men doing locker room talk don't tell other men, "...I failed. I'll admit it." 

It's more like Trump was stringing Billy along with absurd comments, like almost a parody of Locker Room talk.

Men boasting of conquests don't say, "...I moved on her heavily, in fact, I took her out furniture shopping."









After the Donald's Tic Tac comments about keeping his breath clean for kissing, Donald J. Trump gets off the bus, keeps his distance with a handshake.








It's young stupid Billy Bush who goes in for the FULL body hug with the young woman. 

Walking into the event, the Donald continues to be a gentleman and when Billy Bush wants in, Trump puts him in the middle, doesn't have the young woman be in the middle.

She says, "Yeah, let the little guy in." Then says,
"I should actually be in the middle."

The part where the Donald informs Billy about being a star and women let you grab them by the "pussy" is a factual statement rather than a statement he does it. There are women who call themselves "groupies" who actually present themselves to do that. Then there are actresses who allow that hoping to be successful in the movies.

If the Donald had actually done such a thing, he'd have told young Billy a success story, not his "I failed" story.  As they are walking down the hall, Trump, non-verbally, takes in the stupidity of what young Billy was doing. 

Billy Bush is a Bush relative. Then hilariously, for women watching, was to see men acting horrified and offended...devolving into soy boys on the spot.

The Turkish guy,  Cenk Uygur, second from the left, and all is buddies were, hilariously, trying to act offended in 2016. Cenk, 2024, running for the presidency as a Progressive who is not an American Citizen under the US Constitution to be able to be president, is quite the talker. 

What Cenk said about women in his past, he now claims he only said those things because he wanted to be a Republican. As Dave Barry would say, "You can't make this stuff up."

“Obviously, the genes of women are flawed,” Uygur wrote in1999. “They are poorly designed creatures who do not want to have sex nearly as often as needed for the human race to get along peaceably and fruitfully.” Uygur’s “rules of dating” included that there “must be orgasm by the fifth date.”
It is hilarious to watch men like Cenk attempt to act horrified in 2016.

Read Art of the Deal to see how Donald J. Trump promoted women to important and executive positions in his business of creating and building architecturally beautiful buildings. He did that before it was "a thing" to give women vital jobs of overseeing building skyscrapers.

 Harvard psychiatrist, Dr. Sheldon Roth, MD wrote that the mind of Donald J. Trump is psychologically sound. 
In non-jargon writing, engaging read, Dr. Roth pulls in the elements of Trump's life into his book, showing how Trump, indeed, is a historical figure in the story of the United States of America and of the World. His cultural identifies, his father, his mother, being an artistic builder, a father, a tough guy, sports guy, love of women, drawn to the character of the working class, respect for his wives and children, Citizen Kane, Sun Tzu, Norman Vincent Peale, Carl Jung, thus you have an engaging read into the elements that created Donald J. Trump.
What happens in childhood is a major causal dynamic for the rest of a person's life, any person's life.
 Like, Elon Musk, Donald J. Trump is a man, propelled into history in the 21st Century, looking to save and instill the greatness in people's lives by showing how to manifest some of that greatness via a higher good.
 Both of them are fathers who love their children. Trump has five and Musk has ten. 
 Musk's an immigrant who loves America and Trump married two immigrant women. The silliness that Trump is against immigrants must stop.
 How easily the media has mind controlled the general public will lessen in 2024 now that Twitter...now X is not censoring We the People.
The unintended consequences of Oregon Governor Kate Brown's violation of the Emergency Law in 2020 was patriots didn't go home and lock down. 
They met in person at places of business who allowed them to use their facilities to meet, to self-educate and plan for action against what we now know as the COVID Coup.
As Musk has called out for more and more citizen journalists to use X, the 2024 Election will not be a cake walk for the Mockingbird Media.
Citizens have seen more and more the Uni-Party has gotten a hold of and infected the country and whether it is through stupidity or greed, the resulting corrupton is trying to take down the United States of America.
Donald J. Trump simply loves America and love is stronger than hate. 
 Luke 8:17: For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
January 16, 2024

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