Wednesday, December 27, 2023

To win elections in Washington/Oregon make your platform about protecting children, attend all the meetings, organize parents, give all credit to God and call out the FAKE news, and in Gary Wilson's win to the Evergreen School Board it was the Columbian Newspaper he called out no holds barred

Gary Wilson's November 2023 win for the Evergreen School Board in Clark County, Washington State is reminiscent of another win. In 2016 the only Republican candidate to win in Oregon was Dennis Richardson. His campaign platform to be Secretary of State was his promise to finish audits on the Portland Public Schools, licensed child daycare, foster care and child protective services. Dennis won, including getting 200,000 non-Republican votes. Richardson kept his promises. 

What Gary Wilson and Dennis Richardson have in common is their faith. Dennis Richardson was asked " a person of deep personal faith how do you balance that faith while being in a secular office?"

Dennis responded, "View leadership as service...we're called public servants because we serve the public...doesn't matter what religious faith we feel you're accountable to being honest and open and honest and let the consequences fall...the Founders were an example to me...the teachings of Jesus whether one is religious or not are powerful and if we follow them regardless of what a person's religion faith is, it helps them be a better person."


Dennis Richardson on his role and his faith (

Gary Wilson's journey in protecting kids started about the time of Dennis Richardson's abrupt death from brain cancer in February 2019. Ugly men dressed up as ugly garish sexualized clown women were welcomed into libraries in Oregon and Washington State, to roll around on the floor with small children, this started Gary on his mission to protect children. None of the library administrators in that time period asked why these ugly men dressed as clown women wanted an audience of young, small children. The executive director of the Ft. Vancouver Regional Library, Amelia Shelly had viewed Clare Apparently's video, yet still welcomed him into the library. Expert testimony of this being a grooming video never penetrated Ms. Shelly's awareness, never caused her to do any research on child trauma.






The Columbia Newspaper back in the 2000s did investigative reporting into issues of harm to children. Regarding the issue of ugly men dressed as ugly sexualized clown women being at the library with little children, the newspaper itself, doing this story couldn't come up with a photo for the story of children enjoying these men thus, they did an Edward Bernays' mind control tactic, the Indoctrination Word Game, in writing their headline for their October 2019 story that read:

At Drag Queen Story Hour, children ‘just see the love’..."

Kids bedazzled, engaged, excited..."

An observant unmind-controlled person looks at the Columbian photo and sees not the headline words, but sees kids who look confused, bored, distracted, with one little boy looking at the ugly heavyset man kind of like, "What the heck is this?" The girl in green doesn't look happy, none look "excited". The parents don't look happy. Gaslighting instead of "news".  

What year did the Columbian newspaper move to this degree of fake reporting? Why'd they stop investigating stories, to see where such things as ugly men dressed as ugly clown women emerged from, which culture in America, and why did these men want to be around little children? Especially when you have gay men out in America saying, "Knock it off!" Why doesn't the Columbian know the whole bathroom thing was started by a convicted sex offender in North Carolina?

From 2019 to Gary's November 2023 win parents joined in Gary's mission he saw as coming from God. Gary with his iconic hat looked something of an Indiana Jones character, with their "Keep the Library Safe for Children" turquoise t-shirts and with his determination to help parents protect their children, Gary and his posse got a petition going of 4000-plus strong parent signatures telling the Library board they'd vote against future money for the library if they didn't stop with these kind of men coming into the library to engage children.

Gary and his core posse went out to churches and other places, whereby at times whether it was to library board meetings in four counties, fifteen different libraries, council and school board meetings, where at times one hundred to two hundred determined parents, grandparents and other citizens showed up to educate the libraries and school boards regarding the deeper core issue of the grooming sexualization of children. Determined citizen showed up consistently, monthly, going on five years now.

These boards had public testimony from an expert in child abuse, but it seemed board members were in some kind of mind control trance in their inability to look at expert research and opinion into child trauma, even as some of the young people told them they had been abused as children.

As this unfolded from 2019, by 2022 new library board members were elected who see the broader safety issues. The executive director Amelia Shelly who liked the Miss Frizzle and the Magic School Bus video simulating anal and oral sex, she resigned. The energy has changed on the board and the new executive director, Jennifer Giltrop, made an impressive first showing with her energy and greeting to the public at the December 2023 board meeting. As did the continuing Outreach and Community Partnerships Director, Justin Keeler as the library has expansion projects going in other towns. It looks like a dedicated, principled and hardworking team overseeing some very aesthetically visually pleasing libraries in four counties.

In a last ditch effort to stop parents, Gary, and God...the Columbian Opinion on October 14, 2023 said to vote for the long time Evergreen School Board member, Victoria Bradford over Gary Wilson.

At some point in this historical story the Columbian went from the story of ugly men dressed as sexualized ugly clown women reading to kids and rolling around on the floor with them, to change the focus to a "transgender" issue, then making a false claim against Gary claiming he said "transgender individuals were sexual abusers."

                                                                                                                                                Did gay men tell these other type of men to "Knock it off!? It that cause the shift in focus?

Historically drag queens were gay men dressing up like Cher and Judy Garland, etc. They weren't doing sex acts on the stage with a Magic School bus. They sang well and could dance. They were campy.

They weren't ugly men dressed up like ugly sexualized garish clown women looking for an audience of pre-school children to interact with at libraries and schools.

Did gay men getting out the word to "knock it off!", shift it to "transgender"? 

From Wikipedia: " Historically, drag queens have usually been gay men, and have been a part of gay culture."

 Gary Wilson, previously, worked with the Columbian to correct their reporting on him. Even as he got public records to back up why the Columbian must correct, the Columbian only doubled down hence Gary added another sign to attach to his campaign signs, in his running for the Evergreen School District Board. 

Gary won his race with 52.91% of the vote compared to Victoria Bradford's 47.09%

And when Gary Wilson won he added a "Thank You" to his campaign sign. 

 In keeping with Dennis Richardson's faith based view Gary Wilson has the same view in being of service to others such that when he attended a Republican campaign party meeting he asked for $5000.00 for his campaign. The party's decision was to give each candidate $2000.00. Then three of those candidates gave Gary some of their money. Now Gary had $6000.00. But he only asked for $5000.00. Thus Gary donated back to those three candidates. Outcome? They all won their races. Gary keeping to Dennis' faith based public service view made for a four grateful election wins. It is the opinion of TPNW Gary Wilson will serve all children and parents in the same manner that Dennis Richardson did in Oregon.

Gary Wilson, along with being a faith based public servant via the teachings of Jesus, he, also, has a data, research, budgetary, looking at the details kind of mind that can serve parents and the children of the Evergreen School District Board well.

The Evergreen School District Board in Clark County, Washington State will be served well using Mr. Wilson's skills and experience. Given how well Gary Wilson ran his campaign, his openness and honesty as a servant to the public who voted for him, he will keep that openness and honesty to the parents and children of the Evergreen School District as they continue their engagement and oversight of the board themselves. The board should welcome his expertise on the board.

The board should be grateful to parents and the public showing up as well to the board meetings. The illegal shutdowns in so many states including Oregon in 2020 caused the public and parents to start self-educating. The lock downs created a desire and need for showing up in community again, as perhaps never before in current history. Showing up is one of the best ways for change to occur. Individuals in the audience this night shared compelling and uplifting stories of what they learned from the lock downs, that they can now pass on.

The biggest learning perhaps out of what began in 2020 is the use of language and the pacification of feminist women and young men. During the self-education period of time that started in 2020, more Americans woke up to the Indoctrination Word Game, the mind control hypnosis of the population via language and the visuals on TV. 

 Indoctrination Word Game calls sexual mutilation of children "gender surgery."

Indoctrination Word Game calls the killing of a fully developed full term baby "abortion".

The easy way to get unmind controlled is to quit using their Indoctrination Words they made up to control how you think and not feel. Then simply start asking questions.

 Couple that with reading books, history books, our Superpower now, especially on Dr. Josef Mengele, history of that Nazi doctor who did horror experiments on children, (he was obsessed with twins) who got sprinted out of Germany by US Army Intelligence at the end of WW II, to later CIA using Mengele to conduct human experiment at McGill University. It's solidly in the public record now since the 1990s.

Dr. Kermit Gosnell, the biggest serial killer in American history via his clinic in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His clinic was a horror show of killing fully developed babies, keeping little feet in jars, his "abortion" clinic, the smells, the mess...the everything. He started this horror clinic in 1979. Get the book or watch the movie.

 From the article below:

"Robyn, a small 90-pound teenager, fought with all her strength.

“I was fighting him as he pulled my clothes off and held me down,” she says.

“He was tying my arms down with straps and, then every time he tied my legs down, I managed to pull my arms free. It went on and on like that – it was a physical fight.”

In the end, she could fight no more."

Might this now, finally, explain what the movie Eraserhead was all about? The one David Lynch made in his home city of Philadelphia back in 1977. Why wouldn't Lynch tell anybody about how he made this "baby" for the film? A horror movie about a baby?

The Philadelphia abortion horror killing machine churned big time in Philadelphia before, and continued after Roe v Wade.  governors protected Gosnell for years telling inspection agencies to back off. Gosnell, who is black, killed mostly black babies, babies of color and one woman of color. The governor wanted to be sure black women had this option  Abortion is lucrative industry and 78 percent of abortion clinics are in poor Black neighborhoods – what does that tell us, what might it tell the Black Community?

In the movie when the actor cuts through those bandages of the "baby", what shows might be aborted fetal material we see in that scene. Lynch mentioned in one interview about a hospital being close by that he filmed in, but he didn't leave that scene in the movie. 

Horror films get made because populations need to, need to somehow have a way to express, emote the horror of things not yet remembered. What we don't know that goes on in dark places. Ab-reaction is a psychoanalytical term for emotionally reliving an experience—a type of catharsis.

How mind controlled was the Oregon legislature in June 2023 when they passed House Bill 2002, we might ask? The law gives immunity to Mengele/Gosnell type doctors. The law invites convicted felons from other states to apply for jobs in Oregon up on Pill Hill in Portland, Oregon. The legislature received expert testimony as to HB 2002 being a Mengele/Gosnell bill, yet the Republicans allowed it to pass. 

Bad actors and Fake news use Indoctrination Game Words so individuals do not see "horror" happening right in front of them. It's quite the cultural dynamic, a repeat in play right now from history that occurred in 1930s Germany. Cutting off private parts of a child is mutilation. It's that simple. It's like the horror Dr. Josef Mengele did. Oregon is in shock.

The more comfortable the bad actors become from having success they get more and more casual about what they are doing, becomes more and more simply in the public realm; thus recently via live video of trafficked kids masked up was recorded. Some of the 85,000 children the government can't account for? TPNW stated in 2020 with the masking of children that traffickers love the masks.

From "Many of these sponsors are human traffickers. According to the New York Times, under the Biden administration, roughly one third of these children have gone missing. Many of these children end up in debt bondage, working in slave-like conditions in factories or on farms."

As for the sex training in schools, children's books show kids how to do blow jobs, that kind of public school training helps child sex traffickers. In the old ways, Step 1 was a more lengthy process. The trafficker had to be kind to a child at first, buy them things, get the kids to love them, trust them, before moving on to more subtle grooming touching in Step 2. Now with the elements of sex training in public schools they don't have to keep kids in step 1 as long. Now they can just say, if a kid reacts to being violated, "Hey, anal sex is normal. You learned that in school, right?"

The sooner folks stop using the bad actors' indoctrination language, mind control, hypnosis language, the sooner children can be rescued or protected from the start. Call it by what you see and know.

If board members don't know what a fully developed full term termination of a baby looks like, then call Planned Parenthood to go view one being done. 

Don't be mind controlled by euphemisms in the Indoctrination Word Game. Call a duck a duck. 

If candidates want to win in 2024 their best role models in how to win are Dennis Richardson and Gary Wilson.

December 27, 2023

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