Tuesday, December 19, 2023

St. Nicholas the First & Real Santa Claus worked to STOP child sex trafficking slavery. Now kids are taught to fear Santa Claus and sex slavery is greater now than any time since Roman history? Where did making boys into women start in History? And why does the Legislature keep giving money to the public schools?


In 4th Century A.D. in the area of the world now known as Turkey, a man, St. Nicholas, whose family left him wealthy, gave away that wealth and as Bishop used Church funds to stop children from being put into slavery.

A man who owed money to thugs had three daughters. If he couldn't pay he'd have to hand his daughters over to the slave trade to be used as prostitutes. Thus, one night St. Nicholas put a bag of gold coins through the man's window. St. Nicholas only left enough for one child to see if the father would pay off his debt or keep the money. The father used the money to save his daughter. The next night St. Nicholas left another bag of gold coins.  Again the father did right by his second daughter.

By the 3rd night the father stayed up to see who was putting bags of gold coins through his window and caught St. Nicholas in the act.

 St. Nicholas became known as the patron saint of children and sailors. His feast day was designated December 6th because that is thought to be the anniversary of his death. By the 16th Century he came largely to be forgotten via the Protestant Reformation being mad at the Catholic Church.

Germany if you know the 1800s history of German child rearing turned the kind giving St. Nicholas into the "I'm going to find out if you're naughty and give you a switching" figure so that the night before December 6th when children leave their shoes outside their bedroom doors, in Germany, they have to wonder if in the morning there will be presents, gold chocolate coins or a switch in the shoes for them. Sometimes it could be both.


Thus history goes from a saint saving children from lives of perversion to America now rivaling too much the Roman Empire in sexual and soul killing acts of that time period.

From Nero to Caligula to Tiberius sexual and anal intercourse with sisters and mothers...the Roman Empire crashed in its decadence and debauchery. Needing money Caligula turned his White House into a Whorehouse. Remember in George Bush's time in the White House sex trafficked boys were brought there? Remember when Bill Clinton used the Lincoln Bedroom for fundraising? 

Even lesser known rulers like Emperor Elagabalus, who ruled from 203-222 AD, outdid Caligula in debauchery. 

From the article Nero was doing what today is known as sexual mutilation of children's body parts. Back then in Roman history, before Nero fiddled as Rome burned, Nero made a boy into a woman:

"9) Making a Man His Wife

I'm not talking about gay marriage here, at least not really. I'm talking about Nero taking a man and "making him a woman" in the worst way possible: "He castrated the boy Sporus and actually tried to make a woman of him; and he married him with all the usual ceremonies, including a dowry and a bridal veil, took him to his house attended by a great throng, and treated him as his wife." Eunuchs — when having sex with men and women just isn't enough any more."


This one brings to mind the Joe Biden video of him talking about being at the swimming pool with young children and how they rubbed the "golden hair" on his legs. From the linked article:

"10) "Tiddlers"

Emperor Tiberius loved to swim, and he apparently also loved being pleasured by children. In a feat of inspiration, he managed to combine both these hobbies into one: "he trained little boys (whom he termed tiddlers) to crawl between his thighs when he went swimming and tease him with their licks and nibbles." It's like the world's most perverted aquarium!

11) Baby-Fucking

I'm sorry, did you think Tiberius' "Tiddlers" were bad? He also used to get blowjobs from babies. "Unweaned babies he would put to his organ as though to the breast, being by both nature and age rather fond of this form of satisfaction." AAAUUGH."

The Oregon legislature keeps giving money to the public schools. Why? Portland Public Schools went on strike. After the strike the plan via the next school board meeting was to go get more money from the legislature meaning from hard working Oregonians. Tiberius in Roman History created illustrated books of sex acts he wanted to be sure those he was debauching knew how to do it. Now we have that kind of illustrated books in the schools and libraries.  From the linked article:

"2) Hiring Anal Sex Experts

No judgments on anal sex here, but putting professional anal sex experts on the imperial payroll is a bit much. "On retiring to Capri [Tiberius] devised a pleasance for his secret orgies: teams of wantons of both sexes, selected as experts in deviant intercourse and dubbed analists, copulated before him in triple unions to excite his flagging passions." In case these pros were somehow not up to the tasks Tiberius put them too, he had a sex library full of illustrated works so he could just point to what he wanted."

In this time period since 2016 when a convicted sex offender in North Carolina got the whole bathroom thing going then in Portland, Oregon and Vancouver, Washington State with ugly men dressed up as ugly poorly made-up sexualized garish clown women who rolled around library floors with children on top of them to illustrated books showing kids how to give blow jobs then with ugly men's grooming videos simulating anal sex to the song, I think we're alone now, doesn't seem to be anyone around then to the Oregon legislature giving millions of dollars to put tampons in boys' bathrooms in schools...the regular public thinks there has been some amazing insanity playing out in America the last seven years.

As more and more Oregonians and parents self-educate it will empower them to protect their children from the harm being done to them via state authoritarian caretakers and moldy molders of children forced to be under state care.  If parents simply got their children out of the public schools for six months that would collapse the public school and teacher union systems then the legislature would be forced to pay attention to regular citizens.

The question asked by many is: "Why do the Oregon legislators keep giving money to the public schools?"

Is there some kind of money laundering scheme going on?



Is that the simplest reason? The truest reason?




December 19, 2023

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