Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Oregon House Bill 2002 - wants to give immunity to doctors who might be like America's Biggest Serial Killer, Baby Killer Dr. Gosnell. Shades of Dr. Josef Mengele, Auschwitz torturer of children and the killing Nurses in Germany, shades of Dr. Schreber who invented torture devices to use on children in Germany? Which legislators are doing their Homework?

Salem legislators, do they not know what they do? Is their such a disconnect from life that these legislators are unable to comprehend what mutilating a child looks like? OHSU conducts Dr. Josef Mengele type experiments on children, removing sex organs from their young bodies. A Dr. Frankenstein type intent with concoctions of drugs and hormones, making bodies into different bodies. Do they not know the horrors of 1930s Germany? 

Do our Vietnamese legislators not know the horrors committed in Vietnam? They know torture can make children into multiple personalities. If they don't they should talk to their elders. Does Oregon really have such souls blinded to truth in the Salem legislature? 

Does Senator Lew Frederick not know the horrors of Dr. Kermit Gosnell in Philadelphia, America's Biggest Serial Killer? A Black American doctor.

Have legislators ever sat in to see a baby dismembered alive? Feet ripped off, dropped onto the metal trays? Seen breasts cut off of young girls' chests? Little penises butchered?  How can the sponsors not do their homework?

Mind control language. Have euphemisms clouded Salem legislators' brains and hearts such that if the word "reproductive" is thrown at them, the visuals in their brains don't see sex organs surgically loped off and very alive babies killed? The term "public health" was coined by Dr. Schreber back in the 1800s. Like Sigmund Freud, Dr. Schreber also ended up killing himself (one of his sons also committed suicide).

A bill to kill alive breathing babies, to dismember them alive and if they happen to make it in life...to then mutilate them...remove body parts from children and then offer immunity to the doctors, nurses and hospitals doing it? Who needs concentration camps when Oregon has a Mengele hospital up on Pill Hill.   .

German horror doctor Dr. Josef Mengele in Germany got protected at the end of WW II. Mengele lived in various parts of South America. Helped in CIA's MK-ULTRA mind control torture experiments on patients at McGill University in Toronto, Canada. 

It is not true the first year of Nazi Party control in 1933 started this killing of babies then children (later came killing adults, the disabled, the emotionally damaged then Gypsies and Jews). It all started in the micro, long before the trigger-word of a Political Party ever appeared, and that the hell that became killing fields, but was only subscribed to one dark swarthy non-Aryan Austrian fellow, Adi Schicklegruber, (known as Adolf Hitler) who emerged to put nations into cognitive dissonance...that it was ONLY him! Closing in now for almost 100 years, America is at that almost 100 year mark when Germany went Bat Shit Crazy in 1933.

The Truth is, it took one hundred years of German child rearing torture and killing of babies in families before nurses, doctors in hospitals started doing it, and then concentration camp guards filled that role to get rid to of "useless eaters". 

Where did the term "useless eaters" come from? 1800s German child rearing.

Where did the concentration camp torture/experiment of putting prisoners in freezing water come from?

Dr. Mortiz Schreber came along to make child torture just parental discipline. Like putting infants into freezing water. "Dr. Moritz Schreber's recommendation of placing the infant in a bath of ice cubes beginning at age three months" (Wikipedia). That German guy invented and sold torture devices to parents. 

The German film The White Ribbon shows that kind of German child rearing. The time period is 1913 after about 100 years of child torture parenting.

That Schreber guy was very focused on being sure children did NOT touch their private parts and invented devices for that as well. 

Now in Portland up on Pill Hill those private parts are now hacked off. The United States is very German. Germans were the first to do human experiments. Our academic elites in the 1800s loved Germany (some of that time it was Austria/Hungary). Our public education, medical, mental health, psychiatry, psychology, vaccine making, obsession with controlling nature...German roots. 

Now 200 years out of that love of things German, we have to stop another insane turn of history from fully getting it's tentacles any further into the soul of America.

Mengele flew in and out of Frankfurt, Germany to visit family in 1963 at the height of the Auschwitz Trials. One young lone German prosecutor attempted to bring justice to folks tortured in Mengele's Auschwitz experimentation concentration camp. See the film Labyrinth of Lies.  

German authorities and the US Army knew which flight at the Frankfurt Am Main airport Mengele was taking and they did NOT go and arrested him. The Mossad also could have gotten Mengele in Argentina when they got Eichmann and they did not.

Auschwitz is where Dr. Josef Mengele did his horror torture experiments on children...twins...he was obsessed with twins. 

Mengele worked  in collaboration with doctors in hospitals and universities. German nurses played a big role in the killings as well.

 Doctors only had to kill once then women nurses took over glad to do their part in getting rid of the unwanted. So acclimated to killing at the end of the war at the Eastern Front nurses killed German soldiers who had amputated limbs. They served their country, but now had to be killed...couldn't have men in Germany not being perfect.

(744) CARING CORRUPTED - The Killing Nurses of The Third Reich - YouTube

Truth in the Pacific Northwest in March 2020 instead of obeying Governor Kate Brown's order to shutdown and isolate at home went out daily for three weeks, on the empty freeways, and to all the Emergency rooms, Urgent Care Clinics, MASH tents and COVID-19 test sites in the Portland/Vancouver Metro area, photo documented and saw, that no emergency was going on. 

About two weeks into the non-emergency banners popped up at hospitals about the "Heroes" that nurses were...heroes. Up at Vancouver a fire truck showed up to applaud the heroes up at a Salmon Creek hospital. The nurses walked out of the hospital mask free, casual, nonchalant, no behaviors showing an emergency was going on, no one looked frazzled or worn out . As there was no emergency so a fire truck was available for a Wag the Dog news clip.

Are there any doctors or nurses up on Pill Hill experiencing any cognitive dissonance about cutting off and cutting out organs on children?  Anyone? Any whistle blowers?

Have any state legislators self-educated on the history of experimentation in Germany and America?

Do legislators know the reason Tina Kotek, now governor, brought in legal infanticide to Oregon was because of the biggest serial killer in American history, Dr. Kermit Gosnell, out of Philadelphia, America's biggest serial killer who is in prison for life now?
Why did Tina Kotek do that? To protect other Gosnell doctor types killing alive infants is the only logical conclusion.

Now Tina works to get the legislators to give immunity to those types of doctors with House Bill 2002. 

58 horrific details from the Kermit Gosnell trial that you do not want to read | Washington Examiner

 Are state legislators doing their homework on this one? 

Both Democrats and Republicans have been responsible for allowing infants fully formed and alive to be killed. Pennsylvania Republican Tom Ridge stopped inspections and investigations of Gosnell's House of Horrors. Tom Ridge didn't care about this House of Horrors in Philadelphia.  Of course, they were mostly women of color. The fewer white women coming to Gosnell were treated better than the Black women. Gosnell is Black.

It always starts out small. Early abortion enlarges over time to now full out killing of babies. 
The horror experimentation on children seems merely a continuation of Dr. Josef Mengele's experiments on children (wasn't just Jewish children, also Gypsy children) since Mengele was never caught and continued his work in South America and at least in Canada. Pill Hill a continuation or a wider enlargement of Mengele's work?

 Will the Salem legislators do their homework? If not will they face along with some of the Pill Hill doctors and nurses, and baby killing "abortion" doctors, a Nuremberg trial in the future? 

Look at their faces, really look. 

Testimony submitted to the Salem legislature on House Bill 2002 

Margo Logan, Editor

March 21, 2023

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