Saturday, March 11, 2023

In Oregon, as Ernest Hemingway might write, "Do not ask for Whom the Bell Tolls, it tolls for..." the Salem Legislature. In a heavily Democratic Portland Precinct Neighborhood, in a 2-hour Period of Time, Every Neighbor contacted signed the Tolling Petition with a "Hell Yes!!!" Party affiliation was not mentioned once.

The legislature succeeded like legislators never intended, in uniting the voters of Oregon against the Bobble Heads in Salem with their sweaty, greasy greedy, unctuous hands; their stupidity, with their on-going Lemming March to the Sea, led first by Kate Brown and now by Tina Kotek...trying to kill Oregon by taxing the people of Oregon to DEATH..........................................!

They turned downtown Portland turned into the Night of the Living Dead, night after night, for years. Governor Tina Kotek's Legislative Director when Tina was Speaker of the House was right down there helping do that.

Death and destruction of a city once deemed one of the most beautiful, safe, friendliest cities in America.

Now night after night, the Night of the Living Dead in Portland, Oregon.

 This Tolling Petition might be one of the clearest ever, best, well written, succinct, cogent, compelling, understandable petition in Oregon history. It arrives to be a clarion call, a Bell that Tolls to the Salem Legislature that they went "A Bridge Too Far".

"Summary: Amends Constitution. Currently public bodies may collect fees and tolls without voter approval; current law requires tolls be collected on certain sections of I-205 and I5- in Portland metro area. Measure prohibits public bodies from assessing "any fee or charge for the use of a highway", unless referred for approval or rejection to the electors in each county with a border within a 15-mile radius of any section of "highway" proposed to be tolled and approved by the majority of votes cast." 

With twelve bridges in Portland with the biggest population, in a city, in a county that has been under attack for six years, all the legislative body could do was rub their greasy, sweaty, greedy little hands together, to dream, to think about how to further destroy a once beautiful city... that all they want to do is tax the Hell out of Portland more? Tax all Oregonians more? The Portland legislators down in Salem? Those legislators don't even return phone calls or respond to emails from their constituents. So who are their "constituents" then? Teacher unions and SEIU?


And these denizens are not just thinking of cars, but bicycles as well. Green? All the green they see is money.

Oregonians, a kind lot, have put up with the insanity, the unkindness out of Salem for six long years. Their "Oh, let's just lock out those pesky taxpayers out of the Salem Capitol Building", their UnAmerican posture, stance and actions have come home to roost.

American history is not taught any more in teacher-union-controlled public schools. Americans are kind, generous, want to help others...then the likes of Salem legislators and in the Evil Doers in Congress of the United States, at some point, those puffed up people with their hubris, will go a Bridge Too Far. And they have.

Then people self-educate, they unite to fight back, to take back the US Constitution and Oregon Constitution which clearly, year after year Oregon state attorneys and the lobbying Force folks, like teacher unions and SEIU, never give a thought to or refer to regular folks, in drafting their money grubbing bills, to prop up their Evil Doing. 

Money, money, money💰💰💰, the "Love of Money is the Root of all Evil."  And  we got some Evil in state legislatures and in Congress.

Out of control for decades they have no concern for kids or the workers of Oregon who toil hard to fend for and support their families. 

All those Evil Doers did, in Salem, was to laugh at babies, children, families, fathers, mothers, grandmothers, grandfathers, workers, farmers, ranchers, farmworkers, janitors, maids, maintenance workers, window washers, mechanics, dairy farmers, chicken farmers, loggers, waiters, waitresses, retail workers, construction workers, electricians, plumbers, bridge builders, legal immigrants, small business owners...the backbone population of America...with nary a thought for anyone but themselves, legislators, who "see" themselves as "powerful" "privileged" lorded it over the regular citizens of Oregon.
To get forms to take around to your neighborhood...for more information go to or email: 
https: // 
Make your neighbors uplifted, Spring is almost here.  
Not one neighbor today asked about the party affiliation of the neighbor coming to their door, they were only joyful and thankful to sign this State Initiative Petition to Amend the Constitution of Oregon:
"Prohibits "highway" (defined) fees/tolls after December 31, 2017, unless voters in nearby counties approve."
March 11, 2023

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Ben Edtl running for ORP Chair is bringing a verbal flamethrower to the Oregon Republican Party statewide meeting in Portland, Oregon on February 22nd.

On a campaign promise to return power to the neighborhood duly elected Precinct Committee Persons (PCPs), not even Ben Edtl is aware of the ...