Thursday, November 3, 2022

The Oregon Governor Election is about whether the Media/Polling/DINO/RINO Complex or the Citizens of Oregon Win. In the last 3 years has enough Self-Educating gone on to See the Big Short game played on the Public?


The moment when the paradigm shift happens, and what was, can never again be. It can't be unseen.

Like Dorothy pulling back the curtain on the Wizard of Oz, have enough Oregonians by Election Day had that paradigm shift? Like the Military/Industrial Complex exposed by President Eisenhower in 1960 is the current Media/Polling/RINO/DINO Complex fooling citizens or is it now duly noted by all?

The state of fear the Complex put Oregonians in starting in March 2020 switched over to anger in 2021 with the endless illegal orders by Kate Brown and supported by Tina Kotek as Speaker of the House, and deep state state government agencies like Oregon Health Authority (OHA) and Oregon Health and Safety Administration (OHSU) The "Deep State" is nothing more than failed unelected administrative state government bureaucracy managers who only get their power if citizens obey without thought or questioning.

Have parents come out of the Fog of War on their children yet to understand the Mengele experimental nature of removing sex organs out of children's bodies, children as young as nine?

Josef Mengele after WW II never stopped his experiments on children. A Canadian lawsuit showed he was part of the CIA's experiments up in Canada at McGill University.

Now a university on Pill Hill is doing what Mengele still did in secret.

The population has been so mind controlled Mengele experiments on children have gone on without visible protest (helped by the Portland media, of course) up on Pill Hill. Parents have been shamed and guilt tripped into not speaking up about plans to alter their children physically, emotionally and spiritually. And PDX media went along with the program and programming along with the public schools like Portland Public School District who still require masking on students needing to see a counselor. It's Bonkersville in the public school system.

Common Core Math fried our brains so much some Republicans believe the number 730,000 is BIGGER than the number 2 Million. 

The Oregonian and Willamette Week, and their polling company friends got Republicans to believe 32% is a winning number for Christine Drazan. DHM polling saw early on in the year that Betsy Johnson was leading in their poll so started telling the people they called how terrible Betsy was in the legislature and that she had evil donors which got DHM the poll results they wanted.

The question to be seen on Election Day will all the manipulation and game playing from the Complex work and their Tina becomes governor?




 No Republican has addressed the math and demographics question.

How in a Pro-Choice state like Oregon do Republicans think they'll get non-Republican votes given the 730,000 to 2 Million math and pro-choice demographic problem? Knute Buehler was more pro-choice than Christine Drazan and he lost 43% to 51%. Knute lost by 120,000 votes.

If the over 1 million non-Republican voters want Tina out why would they jump over pro-choice Betsy Johnson to pro-life Christine Drazan? Is that what the Complex is attempting to stop by crafting Betsy as a "minor political party" candidate who can't win? Is that the Big Short in process?

Which brings up the hypothesis that DINOs and RINOs belong to the Uni-Party, some shadowy folks rubbing their hands together and patting each other on the back, out of view, and to heck with lowly citizen voters?

Republicans except Senator Dallas Heard all obeyed like impotent citizens to the orders to "mask up" at the legislature. The law showed clearly Kate Brown violated the emergency law on March 8, 2020, thus everything AFTER was also illegal. 

Many think there needs to be a big shake up in Salem. Someone needs to shake the box.

Many think Betsy Johnson has the ovaries, smarts, skills, sinew, and successful background to do that. Helicopter flying, forest fire fighting, rescuing people off the mountain Johnson was NOT afraid to cross the aisle and work with Republicans on issues. 

The question to be answered this election will the Media/Polling/DINO/RINO Complex with their poll manipulations leading to media headline manipulations win the Election for Tina Kotek?

More to be revealed.

November 3, 2022

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