Thursday, September 15, 2022

The Faux Emergency in Oregon that Never Was, Foisted on Oregon by Governor Kate Brown is OVER. The Horror Film that was Oregon for 2 1/2 years is OVER

 2 1/2 years of Governor Kate Brown's themed administration of "Revenge is a dish best served cold, and slowly" has come to an end.

Only depressed, timid Oregonians keep any masking going. Others are mask free at their dentist, their pharmacy and their doctor's office.

 The emergency room staff were asked about this sandwich board, "What COVID outbreak?" Staff was confused about the question. Pointing to the board staff was asked, "Are people coming in with COVID? Staff answered no and added, "We don't even take temperatures anymore."


This sign has the caveat of "Well, just tell us if you can't wear a mask"












The almost always empty Providence Test site now is only open half a day.

2 and a half years later the test site still has this sign up.

It's all silly now. There is no teeth. There is no law that these unelected government administrators can's all down to hoping enough Oregonians stayed depressed and obedient to any illegal order thrown out by the likes of such people as Governor Kate Brown, OHA (the Oregon Health Authority) and OSHA. 

More and more Oregonians see the fraud foisted onto a trusting population that no longer trusts these overly paid for Stephen King institutions like OHSU (Oregon Health Science University) where children's sex organs are amputated out of their young bodies.  

TPNW for 2 and 1/2 years ended up taking the same photograph of a mostly empty test site at Providence Health...the main change in the photos is the season.

More and more Oregonians went back to living. It's been quite a lesson in freedom which came at the cost to many families who lost friends and family members due to Governor Kate Brown's administration she themed: 
"Revenge is a dish best served cold, and slowly."
Oregonians will never forget the Stephen King horror show Kate Brown foisted on this state.

September 14, 2022




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