Saturday, July 23, 2022

Joey Gibson, Patriot Prayer acquitted of riot charge, Dan Tooze, Proud Boys not happy about it.



Gibson was non-violent, Joey smiled often, spoke in normal tones and voice volume. Gibson kept his cool throughout the incident of May 1, 2019 at the Cedar Riots Pub in northeast Portland.

Gibson can be heard on video (see link below) repeatedly saying to people to not be violent.

Lewis Mack, a Proud Boy, did not keep his cool as Gibson suggested and as Joey role modeled that day.

Dan Tooze, head of Proud Boys in Oregon claimed Lewis Mack and Joey Gibson’s actions that day were the same, thus disagreed that Gibson’s acquittal was “just”, that “justice was not served”, because Mack was found guilty. Their behaviors and actions were not the same. As to the assault on a woman, a woman who was “cold cocked” Proud Boy “Band Aid” commented on social media, “…when they are black bloc, there is no male/females... they are ANTIFA and treated all the same…”.

A woman, a Constitutional Oregonian, engaging in the social media conversation about the acquittal, identified that the jury may have come back with guilty because an Antifa woman was “cold cocked”, she can be seen out on the sidewalk with her friends then picking her up, and she does look unconscious in the video. Rather than engage in a debate on the court case as to why Joey Gibson was acquitted and Lewis Mack was found guilty, the two men made taunting, mocking remarks to the woman commenting, then the men contacted the administrator of the social media site, told the administrator to ban her, and he did.

Patriot Prayer leader acquitted on riot charge in Portland (

Based on the video, Lewis Mack threw the first punch in the May Day incident in 2019 at a woman who wasn’t attacking him, a woman who had already pushed into Joey Gibson, who Joey simply kept at bay with an out stretched arm, and Joey had no reaction to her spitting on him except to smile, and keep his composure. Mack pulled her mask down. She hit Gibson’s I-phone out of his hand then Lewis hit her in the face. See screenshot below:



The young woman below just came to the camera to suggest differences and to suggest no violence.

The original woman hit had another man come up to her aggressively. The video showed both Joey Gibson and an Antifa guy attempting to stop the aggression. The woman below came to the camera and had her say including suggesting “no need for violence”. She described herself as “homeless”, this young woman was not being violent, she engaged in conversation.


Then quickly after the woman above’s moment, the woman below was cold cocked by Ian Kramer. This video doesn’t show who cold cocked her, the report was Ian Kramer assaulted her using a weapon, a baton, he later made a plea deal. 

County Reaches Plea Deal With Cider Riot Rioter - Portland Mercury

Most people in life have a trajectory, an arch, a journey that their life takes. Joey Gibson of Japanese/American descent emerged from his journey a more mature man, a man with a closer connection to God is what some observers noted in watching his journey as far back as 2019. Observers who when they saw him, saw him as composed.

If the others that day in May had followed Joey Gibson’s lead in role modeling no one would have been hurt, and the reputation of both groups would have been enhanced. Whether one is extreme right wing or extreme left wing assaulting women is not a good look. Had everyone kept their cool then the problems Cedar Riots Pub had would have come out and shown the problem with that place. From Wiki:

Other observers noted the negativity seen in Dan Tooze to Joey Gibson isn’t necessarily, one group, the Proud Boys against Patriot Prayer, but is Dan Tooze’s personal dislike of Gibson.

Tooze is noted, by some, to be too involved with the faction of the Multnomah County Republican Party (MCRP) who in violation of their By-laws kicked out chair, Stephen Lloyd. At the recall event Dan Tooze and his guys were hired to keep out a witness invited by Lloyd to testify at the Recall Meeting. They didn’t succeed in doing that, and a few of the Proud Boys, indeed, noted the woman, that Tooze was trying to keep out was, indeed, no threat and had a right to be at the meeting.

Tooze aligned with the May 2021 faction that took over the MCRP in violation of the by-laws. Tooze worked with Tim Sytsma to help him kick out Stephen Lloyd as chair of MCRP.

Insiders note Sytsma’s pattern is to give high praise, support certain leaders, they get in and, shortly, when they disagree with him, he does a one eighty, and then hates that person, to bring them down then by loving some other person he sees might be the new leader, then they get the chair job, in this recall case, Joseph Whitcomb, but shortly, Sytsma hates Whitcomb, then Sytsma goes back to some of the original members he helped kick out, wanting forgiveness, and offering to now help kick Whitcomb out come this November.  Meanwhile Sytsma’s has been off to other groups to sow discord, with his eye and attention now on Peoples’ Rights groups. 

Multnomah County Oregon GOP Invited Security Run By Proud Boy Associate Daniel Tooze to Guard a Secret Meeting (

An expert in groups, noted that groups that start out strong and righteous, groups who had the courage to do what was right in a situation, attract others to the group because of the dynamic historic event. They want to be around the excitement the event/group generated. As can happen in such groups those coming along desiring to be the “leaders” are not of the same mettle as the original courageous folks who many times were just put into that spot in either a God way or simply a historical moment came upon the country.

The group then is reduced to a social group, meetings don’t lead to calls to action, but to “talking” and “learning”. Dan Tooze didn’t put out any call to action to come to the courthouse to watch the trial thus only a few patriots were in attendance. His support of the in-violation-of-the-by-laws recall in 2021 resulted in now two permanent factions of MCRP who spend most of their time and energy strategizing how each faction will win in the next November reorganization meeting of the MCRP.

Because of that Hatfield and McCoy focused fight, they are not focused on some excellent Republican candidates this election cycle who if they win would be good for all Multnomah County. They are candidates who can have a conversation with all residents of Multnomah County regardless of political party, race, creed, sexual orientation, gender, disability or being “Portland Weird”.

Life provides many learning opportunities. In Joey Gibson’s case it is noticed his development as a leader seems to be moving in the direction for a greater good for all.

Meanwhile MCRP continues playing Hatfield and McCoy's with each other.

July 23, 2022






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