Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Kate Brown’s Days of Laughing at Oregonians with her Emergency Declarations are about to come to an end as Kate attempts to roll out Monkeypox for her next illegal Emergency Declaration?







LUKE: 8:17

TPNW’s records request to the governor’s office February 27, 2022 to know which two counties Governor Kate Brown alluded to in her March 8, 2022 emergency declaration with Kate shutting down the entire state of Oregon and the Pacific Ocean. The governor’s office responded, paraphrasing their response, ‘We got nothing’.

Salem Legislative legal counsel, Miles Cameron, after several attempts to find out who sent him the public records request, Miles’ response? Miles merely copied in the email to all the legislators that received the request on February 27, 2022, but not the one or ones forwarded to Miles or perhaps Dexter Johnson, also legal counsel.

Since Cameron will not disclose the one or the many, and did not say every single legislator sent him the request, Truth in the Pacific Northwest asks the legislators via this article which one sent the email to Cameron?

 And why have none of them gone, ‘Hey, that’s a good question. We want to know as well because, dang, we wore these dang masks for a year and a half, and we never thought until now that maybe the governor broke the law…” (paraphrasing with the hope one of them was curious).


The public’s right to know has been illegally thwarted by Governor Kate Brown highlighting the theme of her administration: “Revenge is a dish best served cold and slowly”. Brown seemingly got her governing Oregon theme from watching the Social Network film about FACEBOOK owner and CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

The thwarting, the shenanigans around not releasing public records has gotten more and more nefarious over the decades that for a simple records request such as the one TPNW made February 27th to Governor Kate Brown then one made to all the legislators on February 28th including the three legislators who are now running to become governor of the State of Oregon.

According to a former state employee who did public records requests, the request for the two counties Kate Brown alluded to in her March 8, 2022 Emergency based on ORS 401.165(1)(2)(5), (done on February 27th) and the records request to all the legislators done on February 28th involved ten minutes to search and find those records.

The governor’s office stated they had no records as to which two counties Brown alluded to in her March 8, 2020 declaration of emergency.

These attorneys hired by the state sent their first email stating it would cost $638.00 to do an email search. The email search the government does, it is the email search anyone who has an email account knows how to do. A search takes a matter of seconds…not months. 

Miles Cameron was asked more specifically on June 15, 2022 about the two counties Kate Brown alluded to in declaring the March 8, 2020 Emergency:

Cameron responds with gobbledygook. This is the way Oregon and Washington State government over the decades use to keep from finding and releasing public records. Concerning as well is the fact that none of the legislators including the three running for governor ever asked the governor herself, “Which two counties are you alluding to in your emergency declaration?”. 

Why did the entire legislative body meekly mask up a year and a half and not do their duty to research the emergency law themselves. How can a body passing laws not know how to read a law?

Now we have three legislators running for governor, state representative Tina Kotek, state senators Christine Drazan and Betsy Johnson telling Oregonians they are the “change” needed in Salem? 

Kotek in May 2022 ran away from TPNW at an event when asked about the sex abuse done in the public schools to students. 

Kotek was the state representative of the editor of Truth in the Pacific Northwest where for 8 years before launch of this publication, Tina would not answer a constituent's concern about sex abuse in the public schools.


What do the girls have to say about ORS 401.165(1)(2)(5) and about their gal pal Kate not naming the counties who supposedly asked for the emergency declaration for the entire state and the Pacific Ocean?

Surely by now the girls have to wonder, have some intellectual curiosity  about those two counties alluded to by Kate Brown in her emergency declaration based on only "...14 presumptive cases of COVID-19?

Kudos today to The Oregon Catalyst for asking the question. Oregon may have some media/press now who ask the common sense questions of their state government?

Most of the many Oregon media outlets just went along with the faux emergency declaration and made no public records requests either for the two counties Kate Brown alluded to in her March 8, 2020 “emergency” declaration. They merely acted as script readers, acted as the public relations firm for Brown's edicts that harmed many in Oregon.

There was no emergency from day one (TPNW has photo documentation of no emergency), but now over two years of trauma foisted on small children and others in Oregon.

What legislator is going to come clean about the false emergency or is the Oregon public to believe the legislators sitting in Salem are dumber than rocks? If so why haven’t they all resigned?

Government agencies and officials always repeat their patterns. Some think Kate Brown will try to use this monkey business of the Monkeypox to shutdown Oregon for the next election prior to November.

Of historical interest is this monkey type vaccine story which goes back to 1963 in New Orleans may have some interesting threads to happening to day. 


More and more Oregonians are self-educating, using critical thinking skills, trusting their intuition, using discernment and seeing how some of their questions cause the establishment and mainstream media to react defensively and aggressively to simple noticing. That state of being now has resulted in parents and grandparents protecting their children and getting them out of the public school system that is now an experimental mine/mind field danger to their children.

Corrupt officials and corrupt non-elected administrative state agencies always repeat their patterns until we the people self-educate. 

The unintended consequences of Kate Brown’s theme “Revenge is a dish best served cold and slowly” is enough Oregonians have now self-educated as well as having the horrible public school education brought to them by the teacher unions in real time in the virtual world of the Oregon public schools that came into their private homes.

Frankly, many Oregonians see elected government officials as well as unelected state administrative state officials as being quite bonkers.

June 22, 2022



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