Saturday, June 18, 2022








On mom’s and daughter’s June 2, 2022 video broadcast, 16 year old Kylee comments about “…having PTSD from that courthouse…”.

DHS (Department of Health Services) claimed protection in putting Kylee in foster care. Kylee was sexually abused in foster care. OHSU (Oregon Health and Sciences University) doctor claimed 12 year-old Kylee must be forced to have a surgery she did not want. 

OHSU will amputate the sex organs from children against parents’ objections to Josef Mengele experiments on their children. For Mengele type experimental surgery in Oregon, the child gets to decide, a parent has no say. But in Kylee's case Kylee did not get to decide.

Dr. Josef Mengele did all kinds of horror experiments on children in the Auschwitz Concentration Camp...obsessed with twins. After WW II he was protected by the US military, and went to South America, but freely flew in and out of Frankfurt, West Germany to visit family in Bavaria…even right in the middle of the Auschwitz trials in 1963.

Mengele went on to participate in the CIA’s MKULTRA programs, launched on April 13, 1953. Once suppressed specific eye witnessing of CIA’s program out of McGill University in Montreal. Also Quebec, Canada, witnesses identifying Mengele being there. (see author Walter Browart's books as well). Below are current articles, not old ones.

MIND GAMES: Dr. Mengele, the “Angel of Death”, Comes to Quebec, 1949 – By Ann Diamond | RIELPOLITIK

McGill must reckon with the reality of MK Ultra - The McGill Tribune

MKUltra: The Dark History of Psychedelics at McGill University - Truffle Report %

What is secret and unhealed in a country causes the malignancy to reappear and grow. Now in American history concentration camps are not needed because American Mengele type experiments are done in hospitals like OHSU.

That Mengele medical type experiments using hormonal drugs and amputation surgery is not viewed in horror by Oregon establishment institutions charged with protecting children puts Oregon and America squarely into 1930s German history. God help us that Oregonians will start reading the German hospital history prior to 1933 before it gets any crazier in Oregon. It isn't about one weird Austrian with a Charlie Chaplin mustache.

OHSU Doernbecher Children’s Hospital Gender Clinic tout a one year study, with only a one year follow-up study that is neither valid nor reliable as especially related to 9 year-old children deciding they need to be another orientation in life.

From OHSU Doernbecher Children’s Hospital Gender Clinic website they are concerned about parents who stand up to protect children. 


The specificity of their "procedures" would likely warm Dr. Frankenstein's heart? While many parents might see it as a Vincent Price or Edgar Allen Poe horror film.

While OHSU and Doernbecher tout 9 year old children being able to make major life changing surgery changes…Kylee was not allowed to decide she did not want surgery.

OHSU not only forced surgery on Kylee, OSHU told Kylee no, that her mom could not be with her before, during or after her surgery. A twelve year old girl.

Out of mom’s actions to protect her child, mom, Krissy Gale Dixon was charged with an assortment of crimes which at her June 14, 2022 plea hearing, Ms. Dixon refused the government's plea deal. Now mom goes to trial unless a more ethical look by the court will dismiss the case against mom.


A former CPS (child protective services) investigator weighed in with a letter to the presiding judge of the Clackamas County Court in Oregon City, Kathy F. Steele, to encourage the court to take action most beneficial to the child, Kylee, for the court to cease and desist in this now two and one half years of emotional and mental stress that hangs over this child; dismiss the case against Kylee's mom, Krissy Gale Dixon.

From the letter to Presiding Judge Steele, July 17, 2020, from a former CPS investigator:

“Looking at this case through the lens of the greater good for Kylee Dixon’s health, safety and well-being I appreciate your time and consideration about making a decision to dismiss the case against Krissy Gale Dixon. Pursuing this case and putting Kylee’s mom in prison, in my opinion, puts the state of Oregon in the position of causing harm to Kylee, a child still in the healing process from all that she’s been through in her young life.

Through Secretary of State, Dennis Richardson, his audits (audits I’ve waited to see happen for 22 years), my own witnessing in DSHS and for the last fourteen years an analyst/expert witness in civil lawsuits (nationwide) where I’ve seen through reading those court cases and analyzing depositions we have a nationwide emergency of children being in danger from these systems themselves.

For the good of Kylee Dixon, for Kylee’s health, safety, and well-being and with Kylee needing her mom, needing her mom’s love, attention, and protection, I kindly suggest and pray to the court that the case against Krissy Gale Dixon be dismissed with prejudice.”

Just in the news today was how the court systems cannot keep up on the workload where serious felony charge cases have been dismissed, but this court wants to continue abusing this child?

Why does the state of Oregon want to take Kylee’s mom away from Kylee, and put her mom into prison? 

Kylee has grown into a beautiful young sixteen year old woman. What would DHS do with Kylee if her mom is put in prison? Send Kylee to another licensed foster home where she might once again be sexually assaulted? Can DHS and the courts not see the stress they have put on Kylee for the last 2 ½ years?

If the courts are so overwhelmed who is the high up government official who deemed this attack on a mother and daughter should continue?

A day of relief when the court released Kylee to her mom in 2020.


Let this child 12 years old when her ordeal started now age sixteen be free of the stress and anxiety of being afraid her mom will be taken away from her, and Kylee being put back into the foster care system where she was sexually assaulted.


The state CPS, DHS and the courts in what they are doing to Kylee’s mom puts Kylee, in the back of her mind, always the worry of what might happen because of the Clackamas County Court’s unrelenting attack on her mom.

Mom Who Fled DHS With Cancer Patient Daughter Turns Self In On Felony Warrants, Released On ...

Kylee deserves to be happy, healthy, safe and her well-being cared for…she had the surgery…DHS released her back to her mother in 2020…Kylee is sixteen…time to let Kylee have the two years left of her teen years where she doesn’t have to worry about her mother going to prison?

Let this mother and daughter have their lives back.

June 18, 2022







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