Wednesday, May 11, 2022




Are Solomon Yue and David Bossie up to something nefarious with their odd ball endorsement moves regarding this newbie candidate?

McQuisten’s “news” articles come by way of They are not a newspaper publication. It is a “press release” company. 

A German company, perhaps? Ein in German means “One”.  

The “news” article states David Bossie, heralded his ties to President Trump, as Bossie“tweeted” out his endorsement of Kerry McQuisten, who is the ceremonial mayor of Baker City, who after six months as mayor, McQuiston “decided” she needed to run for a “higher office”, the highest office in Oregon.

How did that put Kerry, supposedly, into the Trump orbit, with her innuendo of having Eric Trump’s phone number to “schedule” meetings with her (a story Eric Trump has not confirmed)? How did this MAGA mantle Kerry wears, how did that put her into this soft illusion of cozy contact with President Donald J. Trump? Trump has not endorsed her. Trump has not responded to a request for comment about Kerry McQuisten’s portrayal of running into Eric Trump in this media tent at Reawaken America Tour as a scheduled meeting.

McQuisten's claim she met with the founder of Epoch Times when it was outed the man in the picture was not the founder, Kerry took that photo and comment down.

Did Trump unwittingly fall into one of the nine Circles of Dante’s Hell? Are some of these cast of characters claiming to be Trump supporters really more Greyon types from the 8th Circle of Hell who Trump tried to work with for the greater good of all America? The 8th Circle of Hell:

Trump read Sun Tzu. Trump attempted to take his advice. But did some of Trump’s “friends” turn out to be his enemies?


Who is David Bossie who endorsed McQuisten? 


Are David Bossie and Solomon Yue up to some machinations in Oregon that are not for the betterment of Oregon let alone President Trump and his family? David Bossie reportedly used his association with Trump to grift money off the elderly who gave because they were Trump supporters, thinking or led to believe this was a Trump organization.

David Bossie fleeced the elderly. 


A headline in Vanity Fair proclaimed:”Longtime Trump Adviser David Bossie Looks to Take Over the RNC, Sources Say”

          The Vanity Fair reporter Tom LoBianco February 5, 2020 was suspicious of Bossie’s real possible intent: 

Longtime Trump adviser and Republican operative Dave Bossie is floating a run for chairman of the Republican National Committee, according to Republicans who spoke with Vanity Fair. But those same Republicans are split on whether the longtime Trump adviser and RNC committee member from Maryland is serious about trying to win the chairmanship next year or simply trying to raise his profile with former president Donald Trump. “

Bossie recently tweeted he endorsed Kerry McQuisten. Why would McQuiston or any candidate want Bossie’s endorsement? Does McQuisten just take anyone’s endorsement?

Does Bossie represent the swamp within the swamp who hung around President Donald J. Trump for a short time? Some Republicans think Solomon Yue is the swamp within the swamp. Is Yue the lynch-pin whereby McQuisten is getting interviewed by former White House Press Spokesman, Sean Spicer or David Bossie who was on Trump’s campaign team as advisor for a short time?

How is it Steve Bannon would only invite McQuisten on to talk about what’s happening in Oregon? Why would he not know about the grassroots Constitutional candidates such as Marc Thielman, Bridget Barton, Nick Hess, Brandon Merritt who have been to and worked all 36 counties in Oregon as well?

In trying to evade and work around one Swamp, did Trump end up in another swamp? The swamp of another swamp that includes Yue and Bossie? Yue has yet to respond to TPNW contacting him a couple of months ago.

 Bossie got caught convincing the elderly to give him their money.


Solomon Yue has three Political Action PACs. Yue is the National Committeeman for the Oregon Republican Party but his Twitter account is almost only about issues of China. There is no social media to be found elsewhere to show Yue is a supporter of Oregon. Yue looks from his organization and website to care about those overseas who look to have no interest in living in America, some renounced their US citizenships. They do not appear to be Oregon expates. An internet search does not find much of a footprint showing Solomon Yue to be a big Trump supporter.

Kelleigh Nelson -- Soloman Yue, The Rules Committee And the Trump Nomination (

Solomon Yue has an organization called Republicans Overseas. If members of that group want to be on his “advisory committee” the cost is $10,000.00. Benefits of membership include:

 Yue’s organization claims expatrites are renouncing their US citizenships because of being taxed when living overseas. 

Thus, Solomon Yue is lobbying for people who are maybe not even Oregonians, and people who don’t want to be Americans?


One Republican insider, at the 2016 RNC presidential nomination convention, noted Yue brought fourteen such guests to the convention when others could only bring one guest. Yue supported Senator Cruz for the nomination and Solomon Yue attempted to get rule changes made for that convention at the last moment. Yue did not succeed. Now the story he tells others is he was a Trump supporter that his rule change he wanted was to benefit Trump.

A Republican insider commented that whether Republicans candidates win or lose that Yue makes money.

In the video, Solomon Yue said, one of his primary duties was “…to turn Oregon Red by electing a Republican governor” yet Solomon did not vet the governor candidates. Oregonians just see this odd showing up of one Republican candidate for photo opps, tweets of endorsements and showing up on The War Room.

In the video linked below (about 30 minutes in) Solomon Yue states America First candidates should come from the bottom up and not top down. Then why wasn’t Yue out and about to all the candidate forums to hear the Oregon governor candidates, and to talk to we the people who were in attendance? Solomon Yue said, “You have to allow voters to decide.” Yue isn’t even conversing with we the people. When contacted by email Solomon Yue does not respond.

At 48 minutes into the video, Solomon Yue states that Oregon candidates “…should do what Dennis Richardson did…” when Richardson won in 2016. 

Solomon Yue in the video is describing Marc Thielman’s campaign and character. As the Superintendent of the Alsea School District Thielman out-smarted Kate Brown. Thielman kept Alsea School District open, masks optional, and what Thielman created for all kids, regardless of race, creed, sex, or LBGTQ status, his leadership caused a 500% increased in enrollment while other public schools across Oregon dropped on average 30% in enrollment. 

Marc Thielman is the Dennis Richardson candidate in 2022, the “good governance” candidate. Richardson did not hide being conservative, he showed his support for families and Richardson promised to get audits done on the public schools, daycare, CPS, foster care and election integrity. The rural conservative based came out to vote.  85% turn out of Republicans and Richardson got 200,000 non-Republican votes. Then Dennis Richardson followed through on all his promises. From what Yue said in this video, Solomon Yue should be supporting Marc Thielman. Why isn’t he?

(558) Solomon Yue Speaks With Pure Politics - YouTube

How many people, PACs and organizations pop up that are really created and run by grifters…using the names of people others respect and support? Who got cottage industries going in Oregon and Washington State who convince people only $500.00 is required and then “…they’ll win…”?

A group supporting Kerry McQuisten called Stop The Abuse- Restore Oregon  blocks from their Facebook page all who are not in as all-out supporter of McQuisten. This group is headed up by some “leaders” who got voted out of the ORP (Oregon Republican Party) leadership including the last ORP chair Bill Currier, David Darnell, Suni Danforth.  McQuisten mother Suzan Jones is also part of that meeting in-secret group. Another “leadership group” entity unable to converse with voters. 

Some see them as forming their own shadow ORP and they operate like a private club, in order to belong you have to tow their line. If a extraneous Republican group cannot be fair in an election then they are part of the voter integrity issue.

There are a number of videos at governor candidate debate forums showing Kerry McQuisten telling audience members to not video tape her. Some see her disconnected from the very public office she wants to occupy. 

Republican Party was started in 1854 by Constitutional and Bill of Rights Americans. If a candidate cannot converse with the voters, if a candidate gets defensive and angry at voters how can they be governor of all of Oregon? If the organizations supporting them get angry, defensive, kick citizens out rather than have calm discussion are they even Republicans?

The Oregon Governor’s office is a high profile office where the governor has to deal with real emergencies, not illegal ones like the current Governor Kate Brown did with the COVID-19 one she did in March 2020 and the Snow one she declared in 2022. 

Both were violations of the Oregon Emergency Law ORS 401.165(1)(2)(5).


May 11, 2022




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Ben Edtl running for ORP Chair is bringing a verbal flamethrower to the Oregon Republican Party statewide meeting in Portland, Oregon on February 22nd.

On a campaign promise to return power to the neighborhood duly elected Precinct Committee Persons (PCPs), not even Ben Edtl is aware of the ...