Sunday, May 8, 2022






Promise King, President and Founder of The League of Minority Voters brought his annual event to the Double Tree Hotel in Portland, Oregon on May 5th. The goal of his organization is to “Lift Every Vote.” The annual dinner and forum is to give candidates the stage to introduce themselves to the community. Oregon in 2022 has brown skinned Republicans and Democrats running for office.

Candidate for the governor’s race, Tina Kotek, came to the League of Minority Voters event late, was not seen socializing then when the former Speaker of the House, went up to the podium, the response from the audience was tepid so she instructed the crowd to react with more enthusiasm. 

Leaving the podium, Tina Kotek, was asked yet one more time in the last eight years to discuss the concern of sex abuse done to students in the public schools, how schools hide and don’t report such abuse. Kotek’s response was to walk away. Kotek then sat in a chair briefly before leaving the event early. 

By contrast Republican candidate for governor, Marc Thielman, received a louder and more enthusiastic welcome from the audience.

Thielman, like some of the grassroots Democratic candidates fighting against their long time establishment DNC type leaders, Thielman has had the same journey with the ORP (Oregon Republican Party) with the likes of RNC National Committeeman, Solomon Yue, manipulating in trying to be the kingmaker to get “his candidate” into the governor’s office. 

Marc Thielman has been out campaigning all over the state and loves doing Q & A in-person with all Oregonians.

Both establishment parties with the help of the Portland media companies including one owned by a Midland, Texas company, try one more time to be the king makers. PDX media wants to decide who Oregonians are to vote for in the primary election on May 17th. But there’s a new Kid on the Block, but not new to knowing the ins and outs of the legislature and the administrative state agencies. Marc Thielman.

Marc “with a C” Thielman, “C stands for conservative.” 

Marc appears to be this election's, Dennis Richardson, a Republican who won in 2016 on the theme of “good governance” with a particular attention to the concerns of parents about their children in public schools, daycare, foster care and CPS (child protective services). Richardson was Oregon’s Secretary of State until his death in 2019.

Thielman’s campaign is up-lifting, engaging and fun; and he’s going everywhere in the state, he’s on every podcast and video interview that invited him and that’s many. 

Thielman beat Kate Brown’s illegal emergency orders then beat her illegal mandates where he not only kept his Alsea school district open with the mask free option, but his district's enrollment which includes all races, creeds, cultures and LBTGQ students jumped by 500%. 

Like Tina Kotek’s speaking to the League of Minority Voters her social media presence also looks tepid, not engaging, not up-lifting. In her interview with AFSCME Tina looked weak as she defensively, submissively apologized to that union. In contrast Marc Thielman’s interview with AFSCME was lively and engaging, with a willingness to answer all questions. Kotek left her house late in the primary season to go out in-person to meet voters and so far, ten days, before the primary election, few folks; only small groups has she met with in-person (viewing her social media presence).


Tina Kotek Says Oregon Health Authority Director Should Sweat Her Election (

Oregon has a Republican Black Oregonian American running for the office of governor, Tim McCloud. Like other such governor candidates such as Nick Hess, who also spoke at the League of Minority Voters, McCloud experienced shadow banning by the Portland Media, and the elements of the ORP who are manipulating the election process to keep such candidates as McCloud, Thielman, Hess and Brandon Merritt from being known to the Republican voters in Oregon.

Three Republican governor candidates spoke at the League for Minority Voters, including Nick Hess who has been carpeting the state…getting out…going out to meet the citizens in-person. Nick Hess, is indeed, spot on with “Let’s talk about Election Integrity.” During the shutdown, more and more Oregonians started self-educating. Their eyes and ears now are more open than ever before in modern Oregon history. 

While Democrats such as Tina Kotek and state senator Lew Fredericks continued to stay in their houses and to not meet Oregonians, their constituents in person…the Republican party candidates have been getting out daily, some even before the filing period for office was opened. Their candidate forum events have been lively, engaging and that interaction has created community. Many Republicans never shutdown and those Constitutional conservatives met in person and those types of Constitutional businesses stayed open to the public including be mask free.

None of the Republican candidates meeting with thousands of Oregonians now ever told Oregon citizens to wear a mask nor did they ever ask them about their medical history in order to come to a candidate forum or event.

The Portland media companies shut down and went home. Oregonians wonder why Kate Brown told them they were “non-essential businesses”? Is it because they are only script readers, getting their scripts from “national”, their corporate head owners, like KOIN TV’s corporate owner who is headquartered in Midland, Texas?

History not taught in Oregon Public Schools:

Martin Luther King said, "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." That quote is on the stone wall driving onto Martin Luther King, Jr Blvd from downtown. Tina Kotek and Kate Brown, the least liked governor in America, flipped MLK, Jr’s words, and switched their focus to only shades of brown skin color. Brown skin good, except if you are a Black Republican according to these white women.

Angela Plowhead running in the 6th District for Congress was at the event. Bi-racial African-American Plowhead caused the other 6th District Black African-American candidate Loretta Smith to have to walk back her assertion that if she were elected she would be the “first” Oregon Black American woman to be in that office.




 Is it time for Oregon to stop talking about the color of one’s skin and return to Martin Luther King, Jr’s “content of character”?

How in history did we come to this moment in present day Oregon history?

The Democrat Party’s plan to get, to keep races attacking, keep them fighting each other has been going on since 1854.

 The Democratic Congress that year…few in America know this, Congress created the public school system to do that. Because of our public school system’s mind control, students don’t know that white Republican men in the 1800s worked in the abolition movement to get rid of slavery, those white men, the Democrats hated. At least 500 white men were killed working to undo slavery. 

In 1854 the Democrat Congress made up primarily of English heritage men, those men were afraid of freed Black men and the English hated the Irish. The Irish were also slaves. The English loved the Germans (they intermarried back in the royal kingdom days, family ties) so Congress brought in that Prussian control system and created “public” schools. Compulsory government run schools to indoctrinate, to make obedient to authority citizens, had the Democratic Congress sweating bullets at the thought of what millions of Black men might do to them in revenge for making them slaves, raping their women and making bi-racial babies.

The Irish? A tribal people the English hated, despised and when the Irish were dying from mass starvation when the potato crop failed, the British gave them no mercy. The Irish flowed into America from the mid-1840s to 1851.

Blacks, right after emancipation, right after the American Civil War, were elected to Congress as Republican legislators. White Democrats went ballistic, along came Jim Crow, murder, lynching and segregation in the South. 

See the source image

Similarly, with Governor Kate Brown’s Jim Crow mandates, she intended to create two classes of people in Oregon. Those masked and those mask free, Kate Brown hoped to get them to hate each other like she has worked Blacks and Whites in Oregon to hate each other. Brown then tried it with the vax…those jabbed against those who went jab free. It’s a centuries’ old Democrat Party pattern of manipulation.It is the Democratic Playbook.

In the 1950s along came 15 year old Claudette Colvin to get the modern day Civil Rights movement underway. Rosa Parks who was said to have refused to move from her seat on the bus, but that was months after Claudette said no, but Parks was given the credit, the glory, the accolades in history. It was Colvin’s case (along with three other teenagers) that went before the US Supreme Court who then desegregated the buses. Parks did not even have a court case. Most Americans do not know that history. Public schools aren’t going to tell teenagers that history story.

One year in a Multnomah County public school, a substitute at the beginning of February, Black History month, on the hall way Bulletin Board posted a picture of Claudette Colvin, Malcolm X, Cassius Clay (Muhammed Ali) and the kids at the lunch counter in Woolworth’s. A school personnel security man, a Black man, got upset and said, “It’s hard enough controlling these kids…and you put that up there?” The school took those photos down and only left up MLK, Jr and Rosa Parks photos. All Black people don’t think alike. Humanity is diverse, cultural groupings say more of who people might be than the color of one’s skin.

 1960s was the horrible turning point in American history. Along came Medgar Evers (murdered June 13, 1963), John F. Kennedy, Sr (murdered November 22, 1963), Malcolm X (murdered February 21, 1965), Martin Luther King, Jr (murdered April 4, 1968) and Robert Kennedy, Sr (murdered June 6, 1968). These men, these heroes, murdered, Black and White, fought for the promise of America enshrined in the US Constitution and Bill of Rights.

America was under a coup from November 22, 1963. In 2016, the USA had four years of a start of a reprieve under President Donald J. Trump. CIA and the FBI still want Americans to believe the Warren Commission’s Magic Bullet theory that one bullet caused seven wounds in two people.

The term “conspiracy” popped into the language in 1967, spread by the CIA because too many Americans by that year did not go along with the Warren Commission’s Magic Bullet take on JFK’s murder.

CIA and the corporate media fling out the word “conspiracy” and like Pavlovian dogs salivating, those who have been mind-controlled, spring into mob like immediate action, foaming at the mouth, posturing unaware of how they’ve been trained like Pavlov's dog. 

See the source image

The evidence has been fully known since 1979 a conspiracy was involved with JFK’s death. Congress’ investigation concluded there was a conspiracy. Books with now unclassified documents can be read by any and all American citizens, they just won’t get that information from the corporate media channels embracing the Warren Commission’s hurried pronouncement in 1964. Nor will any students get it from attending public schools.

The reprieve from the coup ended with the 2020 "pandemic". 

In Oregon Governor Kate Brown violated Oregon’s Emergency Law on March 8, 2020 when she declared an emergency over the whole state and the Pacific Ocean. Once Brown violated that law…all other “acts” including those by OHA (Oregon Health Authority) and OSHA (Oregon Safety and Health Authority) were also a violation of that law, and were null and void…were moot. All the words Kate flung out, “suggestions, recommendations, guidance, requirements, rules, mandates…because I said so”…all of them violated the Emergency Law Brown used to destroy businesses and lives. 

Brown, indeed, themed her governorship, her intention as governor, how she would govern, what actions she would take as “Revenge is a dish best served cold and slowly.” 


Black businesses were attacked, burned and destroyed in Portland. Kate Brown and Tina Kotek did not care. Both women had the disconnect of Nero who sat back and fiddled while Rome burned. Nero blamed the Christians, focused on attacking them and killing them. Kotek and Brown blamed white people across the entire United States of America for Portland being looted and burned by folks calling themselves Black Lives Matter and Antifa. Tina Kotek’s legislative director was involved in one of the riots in Portland and was arrested. Tina Kotek had no problem with her legislative director, Kristina Narayan being involved in an Antifa riot.

Tina “Nero” Kotek? Kate “Nero” Brown? The Nero Sisters? Where were they when Portland was burned night after night, after night? Do they play musical instruments?


Report: Democratic Oregon Staffer Arrested During Riot | The Daily Caller

Through the compulsory government public school system, Americans and legal immigrants since the death of JFK were taught that the Democrats were/are the saviors of the Black community.

The Hollywood propaganda machine went into action in 2009 with The Blindside, arguably the most racist film so far of the 21st Century.

Sandra Bullock’s blonde white woman character threatens to castrate a young Black man, a teenager. He is presented as so dumb that a six year old white boy has to teach him how to play football.

Within ten years, white feminist women, on video across the nation, can be seen jabbing their finger, like Sandra Bullock did in her film, confronting Black men, with unconscionable disrespect, all over America calling Black men racist. With nary a pause, these white feminists, never considered what they were doing. Mind control is that easy. Simply making a Hollywood film and white feminist women started copying Bullock’s behaviors and attitude in that film.


Planned Parenthood. In Portland in the Black neighborhood the Democrats put their Black genocide machine…Planned Parenthood, in a Black neighborhood when only about 5% of the population in Portland is Black, African-American. A long term plan, a plan they continue to roll out calling it good for the Black community.

Everywhere a group exists, there are group dynamics. Every group has within their group, their particular cultural characteristics and can easily bend towards discrimination, no matter what group, blacker skin blacks against whiter skin blacks (“high yellow,” “high yaller,” “high yellow”) and the Blacks “who passed over.”

Various Native American tribes don’t all like each other either. Some Pacific Northwest tribes fight to keep the Chinook Tribe from getting federally recognized. Why? Money? Power? The Chinook’s fight continues through the court system to date. There are more than 500 tribes in the United States. They are not all of “one mind.”

Vince Wanasay, Warm Springs elder, Urban Indian, and Whip Man at the New Year’s Eve Pow Wow held at the Oregon Convention Center eschewed any attempts by white or red people to be seen as a victim. Vince was no holds-barred about anyone trying to give Indians that label or for anyone to embrace that label, he called that out directly and immediately. Indians in Western films? No problem, he said, that Indians all watched those films and their brothers in those films. If the actors could lay their horse down in a fight scene, that actor got extra pay. Thus, in some films you’ll see a lot of horses go down at the same time.

Tribes including the Yakama and Sioux had corrupt and often dangerous governments that tribal members feared (watch Thunderheart with Val Kilmer, John Trudell and Graham Greene for the depiction of that history). Tribal women are at great risk on many reservation lands. Their death rates are high.

For the Yakama tribe if their children were going to be placed by CPS (child protective services) into foster homes they did not want them placed with “Mexicans.”

There’s no one size fits all brown people.

Bi-racial children are often stuck in the middle and receive disdain and subtle rejection from whatever two races are in their DNA. The public schools began forcing children to choose on a form in the 1980s as what race they belonged to that brought confusion and pressure upon bi-racial children. The Black culture by and large does not believe in interracial marriage. There was some significant intermarriage between the Indian tribes and the Black population in early American history.

Tribal people are still trying to heal the history of the boarding schools and what that did to their tribes and peoples. Alcoholism rampant. And in Black and Native history…always there were individuals who worked with the English people in the colonies then in America against their own people. The House and Field classes. Indians were “scouts” helping the English against the tribes.

There were black slave owners. One of those slave owners was a Black woman.

Comedian George Carlin might have said it best and most dynamically about all the people and groups vying for the title and crown of Biggest Victim in America:

And what about all the successful Black Americans? Why isn’t their business success being taught about in public schools. Role modeling is the strongest form of teaching. Oregon public schools are teaching victimhood.

 One of the first millionaires in America was a Black woman.

There is institutional racism, and it was created within the compulsory government public school system first in 1854. Then Congress created the NEA (National Education Association) which evolved to be one of the first “public” unions.

Not even the US Supreme court in 1954 could change the institutional racism in the public school system. You cannot reform something that is doing as intended. The system also created institutional child abuse, emotional and sexual abuse of children, the biggest category. Metrics show about 7% of school personnel are sex offenders. It is the same metric for Catholic priests. Both groups target children who are most vulnerable, and sex offenders go where no one asks the questions. This is the topic Tina Kotek did not want to talk about at the League of Minority Voters event on May 5th, 2022. As state representative for District 44 and as Speaker of the House, Kotek has refused to talk about that topic for the last eight years.

The Republican candidates for governor have carpeted the entire state of Oregon for months especially the grassroots candidates the Portland media companies were shadow banning. Portland media was doing that regarding both grassroots Democrat and Republican candidates.

Kotek never left her house until more recently and has attended relatively few events with voters (small audiences) are posted on her social media pages.

Since Tina Kotek was not seen being warmly embraced by the participants and audience at this League of Minority Voters candidate forum how likely is it Kotek would win in the Democratic primary?

May 8, 2022





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