Thursday, December 30, 2021

Oregonians Fight to Stop the Twilight Zone Nightmare Insanity of Governor Kate Brown's Administration

Oregon Representative E. Werner Reschke (above) and Former PPS Director Steve Buel Weigh in on what works to end the Twilight Zone Nightmare in Oregon


Rep. E. WERNER RESCHKE recently weighed in on the abuse of power the Governor of Oregon Kate Brown has done to the state, affirming, confirming, and agreeing with former Portland Public School Board Director Steve Buel who said, “The only thing that works is pressure.”


 Put the pressure on is the advice for those wanting to end what some consider The Twilight Zone Nightmare Oregon has been in for almost two years

As more and more Oregonians wake up to the knowledge that “rules” are not “law”, it behooves Oregonians to educate the failed unelected administrative state bad actors as to that fact, including OHA director Patrick “Not a doctor” Allen (he holds a BS degree in economics) who as a former Sherwood Public School Board Director led the charge in the traumatization of children in the Oregon public schools. 

Rep. Reschke continued, “I adamantly oppose mask mandates, vaccine mandates, mask & vaccine mandates for children to attend school or any form of vaccine passports. Mask shaming and vaccine discrimination is antithetical to American liberty.

What OHA is doing, under the direction of the least popular Governor in the nation, is abhorrent. Moreover, it is WITHOUT your legislature — the body given sole authority to make laws in this state. There is no science to show that taking away people’s freedom will end the pandemic, yet that is their exact solution

We saw in 2020 how feckless the government mandates were at ending the pandemic; yet at the same time government pandemic policies have increased homeless, unemployed, suicide and crime, not to mention deep mental and emotional harm to our children, plus stunted their education development. This administration is not engaged in science but pure political science. Make no mistake, digital vaccine records are a cover in order to usher in the social credit system used in Communist China — to control population.

If the government can mandate vaccines for entrance into grocery stores or travel throughout the state, why can’t they also use these passports for social justice, racial equity, and other leftist dogma enforcement — again all without legislative approval?

Our medical records, including vaccines, are already digitized — by your healthcare provider. Government has no business being part of this endeavor. Government’s involvement in tracking your medical status and vaccine passports are a line in the sand that must not be crossed. 

That’s why I introduced HB 3211 — the anti-medical discrimination bill in 2021. I also signed onto HB 3407, banning vaccine passports.”

 As former Portland Public School Board Director Steve Buel advised to all who will listen, “Put the pressure on, it’s the only thing that works.”

Rep. Reschke continued:

“Please continue to engage the members on the House COVID-19 Response Committee and the following executive branch officials to let them know your displeasure with their planned actions:


There are three hearings you can impact with your testimony. Let us overwhelm them with opposition.”

Directions for Testifying:

  • Adoption of a rule requiring masks to be worn in indoor spaces in Oregon (OAR 333-019-1025): January 20, 2022 at 10:00 AM (Phone Conference ID: 389 374 45#)
  • Masking requirements in Schools; Vaccination Requirements for Teachers and School Staff (OAR 333-019-1015 and 333-019-1030): January 24, 2022 at 9:00 AM (Phone Conference ID: 662 539 793#)
  • Masking and vaccination requirements to control COVID-19 in health care settings (OAR 333-019-1010 and 333-019-1011): January 24, 2022 at 2:00 PM (Phone Conference ID: 191 715 671#)

To provide oral testimony during any of these hearings, please contact to sign-up and receive the link for the Microsoft Teams video conference. Alternatively, for audio only, you may dial 971-277-2343 using the phone conference ID# as the password listed for each hearing above.

You may also file written comments on these proposed rules before 5:00 p.m. on January 24, 2022 to the Public Health Division Rules Coordinator at the following address:

OHA, Public Health Division

Administrative Rules Coordinator

800 NE Oregon Street, Suite 930

Portland, Oregon 97232

Email comments to: You may also send comments by fax to: (971) 673-1299.

Please indicate in your written comments which rule number(s) you are commenting on so they can be entered into the appropriate rulemaking record.

If you have any questions, please contact

The price for liberty is eternal vigilance. Thank you for your continued steadfastness to ensure we stay a free people. It will take all of us!”

More and more Oregonians have had it with the degradation and destruction of Portland, Oregon that was once seen as a beautiful place to visit, shop, do business in and enjoy, but now looks like the aftermath of a war zone in downtown Portland. 

The new special interest group in the up-coming elections is the parent group. That group grows angrier and angrier as they see their children and grandchildren continually traumatized under the regime of Governor Kate Brown along with her number two supporter, Speaker of the House, Tina Kotek who desires to continue Brown's reign of traumatizing children and their parents in the Twilight Zone of Oregon in 2022 and beyond. 

December 30, 2021


1 comment:

Ben Edtl running for ORP Chair is bringing a verbal flamethrower to the Oregon Republican Party statewide meeting in Portland, Oregon on February 22nd.

On a campaign promise to return power to the neighborhood duly elected Precinct Committee Persons (PCPs), not even Ben Edtl is aware of the ...