Friday, February 14, 2025

It's unclear when the Oregon Republican Party and the Multnomah County Republican Party went lawless, but it happened at the point the ORP opted out of complying with ORS 248.012 to 248.315. TPNW stands by its analysis that the May 6, 2021 Recall of MCRP Chair Stephen Lloyd was a Coup

The Oregon Republican Party (ORP) and Multnomah County Republican Party (MCRP) "leadership" are filled with individuals who respond as though they have no idea about the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, let alone the intent of ORS 248, the law governing the two major Oregon political parties. ORS 248.029 shows only Precinct Committee Persons (PCPs) can be recalled, and a PCP can only be recalled by the registered Republican neighbors in their precinct, and not by party officials.

By the ORP opting out of some 20 subsections of ORS 248, it caused a breeding ground for chaos, confusion, raging, lots of yelling, lawlessness, bringing out of the shadows Machiavellian type characters who are drawn to the drama of Palace Intrigues, Soap Operas and Proud Boy patrols, which then spread to other counties who decided they wanted those kind of adrenaline fueled moments as well. Not all counties have opted out.

Truth in the Pacific Northwest editor as well as a duly elected PCP (Precinct Committee Person) was advised in writing by ORP secretary Jo Rae Perkins that Perkins had no time to search the ORP files for documents to determine if the recall of MCRP chair, Stephen Lloyd, on May 6, 2021 was valid or not. Jo Rae is one of the nominees running to be elected ORP chair at the February 22nd state meeting of the ORP.

In an August 2024 email Perkins wrote ORP cannot intervene in county parties unless an ORP by-law was violated. Jo Rae was advised the state ORP by-laws as well as the MCRP by-laws were violated when an immediate election was not taken after the recall vote on May 6, 2021 regarding MCRP Chair, Stephen Lloyd. The recall, thus, was null and void.

The article describing the issue was written, published and sent to the ORP secretary.

ORP secretary's response reflects the long time, long held cultural characteristics of keeping secrets from registered Republican Oregon voting citizens. Secrecy is a long standing problem which started before 2018 when MCRP held secret meetings based on "fears" some executive committee members had, and still have. In addition, Joseph Whitcomb directed duly elected PCPs to not attend the MCRP monthly meetings.

The ORP secretary's emails show that after the recall of chair Stephen Lloyd, in May of 2021, a new election of "chair" Joseph Whitcomb didn't happen until 2022.

The recall was a violation of both MCRP and ORP by-laws.

The ORP secretary refuses to address the issue of Whitcomb's election being invalid, per violating the MCRP and ORP by-laws before the statewide February 22nd meeting as it appears all elections after the May 2021 recall are invalid, thus none of the officers and delegates of the MCRP can vote in the statewide election on February 22nd. 

It's quite the quandary, quite the predicament as a new ORP chair and other officers are to be voted in on February 22nd. What continues to exist is a Weekend at Bernie's situation, as the MCRP has been reported to be dead and the ORP secretary refuses to do an autopsy. An ORP officer's duty is to uphold the by-laws, and that it be based on documented records coupled with citing By-laws and subsection of by-laws in writing.

Another request for ORP records documenting if ORP did or if ORP did not make a determination regarding the recall of MCRP chair, Stephen Lloyd, was made.

ORP secretary response was that it was poor timing to bring up an issue of violations of ORP and MCRP by-laws before the meeting to elect the new ORP chair and other offices of the Oregon Republican Party on February 22nd.

If the recall group violated the MCRP and ORP by-laws in May 2021 then the entire slate of current MCRP office holders and delegates cannot be seated and cannot vote at the ORP statewide meeting on February 22nd.

Of concern regarding "chair" Joseph Whitcomb and his election, it now is said to have been sometime in 2022, which was over six months past the recall of MCRP chair, Stephen Lloyd. Reviewing Whitcomb's work, the last time the MCRP Twitter account was used was in January of 2022 posting DeSantis tweets. 

What cannot be found is working evidence MCRP supported the election of President Donald J. Trump in in 2020 or 2024 via X or via Facebook as some administrator on May 11, 2021 a few days after the Recall Coup on MCRP Chair Stephen Lloyd took place, their Facebook page was shutdown. Other Oregon Republican candidates for office were posting on that MCRP Facebook page, candidates for school board elections were posting on that Facebook page. Whoever shut it down that admins' name is now not found on that page. The faux MCRP leaders haven't posted on that page since May 2021.

Of further concern with the MCRP "leadership" is a "Survey" was sent out about the statewide election on February 22nd asking who elected Precinct Committee People (PCPs) want for the ORP positions. The concern is that the survey can be taken multiple times, thus open for corrupt purposes.

Given the history of the last seven years, the pattern of chaos, anger, confusion, lawlessness, and now the ORP secretary refusing to get into the ORP files and pull out any documents if they exist to make a determination on what happened on May 6, 2021, the spectacular in-fighting will continue unless the rightfully elected MCRP chair, Stephen Lloyd, is returned to that county party office and can lead the county party into creating a lawful party structure by simply obeying all of ORS 248. 

Patterns, habits and behaviors once they become a group norm, they will not change if the underlying structure of the group is based on lawlessness.

February 14, 2025

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Ben Edtl running for ORP Chair is bringing a verbal flamethrower to the Oregon Republican Party statewide meeting in Portland, Oregon on February 22nd.

On a campaign promise to return power to the neighborhood duly elected Precinct Committee Persons (PCPs), not even Ben Edtl is aware of the ...