Thursday, October 13, 2022

"Had one Person done their Job at the School District." "90% of School Attacks had Warnings." "Taken seriously it can prevent tragedies." - Parent of daughter killed in Parkland. What is the Portland Public School District doing to prevent harm?

 A clarion call went out. One school district destroyed 155 pages of documentation a teacher submitted to the district regarding Nikolas Cruz who killed 17 at the Parkland school in Florida. Knowing her district, the teacher saved copies of her documentation for eight years until she found out the school had not turned those over in discovery. 

The recent Washington County vs Sippel trial highlighted how Oregon government entities don't release public records, and do so with one strategy of creating high barriers by charging a regular citizen (Janice Dysinger) almost $100,000.00 for them.
Historically Portland Public School District plays games with public records requests. TPNW made an October 7, 2022 request to try to get a read whether Superintendent Guerrero is managing the risk factors of a mass shooting happening in a school in his district.

For once the school district records coordinator responded promptly with a screenshot showing about 92,000 records related to looking at the Nikolas Cruz case.

With that amount of records and the charging question being floated out the request was carved down to such a small amount the School District has no reason not to release such records. Still waiting.


"Thank you. Let's narrow it down to just giving me the last ten emails from the superintendent addressing this issue, addressing potential risk to students, teachers and other personnel in the Portland Public Schools. Make the end date as of 5 pm today, October 11, 2022.

If a risk assessment has been completed how many students of concern attend PPS?  Of course, not looking for names or even specific schools. Release that number, please."

Portland Public School District was notified of this concern:

(2) I am looking for the discussion going on about the Cruz trial and communication reflecting concerns it could happen within PPS schools, the conversations, discussions and strategizing for that.
(3) Records that indicate how many students are talking about the Cruz trial in the schools, students reporting concerns about other students (names redacted), etc. Just the number would not require redaction

Nikolas Cruz researched and knew how long it would take the police to show up. As early as May 2022 in jail he continued to write wanting to kill more students and teachers along with a comment for others to do so. 

When the schools were all shutdown there were no shootings. Schools cause mass shootings not guns.

From looking at the Portland Public School District website this is Guerrero's main focus:

Portland Public School District Security person is Molly Romay. Her voice mail greeting said she was out of the office and it didn't say when she would return.

An email was sent to Molly that included:

"It came out in the trial that a school destroyed 155 pages of documents one teacher submitted regarding Nikolas. Knowing her school the teacher saved a copy, and when she found out those pages were not in discovery, the teacher turned them over to the state prosecutors.

How many students in Portland Public Schools have been identified as being at such risk as Nikolas Cruz presented from early on and forward in his public school years?

What's the prevention plan?"

As Portland Public School District responds this article will be up-dated.

What is unknown is why any parent in Oregon keeps their child/children in public schools given the masking, the racism, the dumbing down, the dangers, and the child sex trafficking type sexualized training given in the schools.

When the public schools were shutdown there were no mass shootings. It is not a gun issue. It is a public school issue.

October 13, 2022


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