Thursday, July 7, 2022

Hollywood connected film WHOSE CHILDREN ARE THEY?- Unwitting mind control propaganda documentary? Many parents instead are looking for a “PUBLIC SCHOOL EXIT” plan…the quick way to save America…GET YOUR KIDS OUT.


Public School Exit

Parents can save their kids and America in just a few short months in 2022 by getting them out now then watch the public schools and teachers’ unions collapse starting in September and ending in time for Christmas 2022. Parents, children and America are then saved. What a story.

But who are the makers of Whose Children are They? And why is there not one “parent” in the “documentary” telling how they saved their children, who got them out of Indoctrination Camp to give hope and resources to other parents to do so? Why are only depressed victimized parents who still keep their kids in government school only highlighted in this “documentary”?

Deborah Flora is an actress/producer. Her husband, Jonathan, is a producer/director who worked with Disney and Lucasfilm both Hollywood companies. The film ends up with a theme of  supporting the public schools, supporting the “brave teachers,” parents are to “adopt a teacher” while also showing the horrors of child sex trafficking grooming training going on in the schools. After seeing those visuals in the film why does the “documentary” encourage keeping public schools?

Deborah throws out the usual suspects Marx/China/Cuba/Romania…without mentioning the huge German influence on American education and what that could portend for America if parents don’t get their kids out. Germany (and Harvard’s working on it) made homeschooling illegal in the 2000s.

Deborah threw in John Dewey for a brief moment without telling parents he was a socialist professor at Columbia University where John boy developed “laboratory schools.”


This 192 year horror of public education came from a failed teacher?

Biographies disclose Dewey offered a vision for liberalism that looks like socialism, Dewey said the highest human values can only be achieved through government control. Dewey was born in 1859 five years after a Democrat Congress brought in the thing now called “public school” in 1854. Democratic slave owners were terrified of the coming freedom of the Black man, they hated the Irish, they hated Catholics, and worried about legal immigrants. Socialists like Dewey needed indoctrination camps as well as producing workers for the industrial revolution that had taken place in America.

The primary actress in the film Deborah Flora also forgot to mention Harvard and how Donald J. Trump’s election to the presidency quelled for a while Harvard’s salivating about making homeschooling illegal as it has been in Germany since the 2000s. Harvard kept the “idea” alive through writing articles.

Harvard floats out articles to prime the mind control propaganda pump…Harvard does not want a self-educated public; Harvard wants…indoctrinated-stay-in-your-place-indoctrination-forced-learning.


Did the producers/writers/director/actress of this “documentary” not do their research into the beginnings of all this public school history that started in 1830 America? In 1830 most Americans had on their mantles the Bible and the works of Shakespeare. 


That is why America was so literate that it caused the American Revolution in 1776. It is a big fat public school lie that America had a literacy problem. Public schools manufactured that full bore in 1930 with the Look/Say “method” of teaching reading. By 1935 America had it’s first epidemic of dyslexia. Public schools cause dyslexia and cause children to hate to learn. There is nothing in this “documentary” exposing that. 

The “documentary” as well fails to show and recognize that from the beginning in 1854 the public schools themselves were created to be racist. Not the kids and not the parents. Throwing out CRT was simply to deflect from the actual racism in school done by administrators and teachers by claiming it is in the community, hoping to get people of lighter skin complexion defensive thinking it’s their darker brothers and sisters pushing it. The socialist hope is to keep one American sector fighting another sector while the schools get kids ready for the child sex trafficking networks.

This “documentary” has been out since March 2022, but the only way parents can see it is to buy or rent it. 2000 Mules was made immediately accessible to the general public at no cost.

The “documentary” ignores all the history that this company could have researched and ends by making their analysis as “…root of the problem is the unions…root them out…and stand with teachers…” while acknowledging “…parents have never been in the driver’s seat…”

Why didn’t the film offer alternatives to “…support teachers…” such as this one:


Oregon has too many conservative women’s groups related to the public schools who wittingly or unwittingly are propping up the public schools by continuing to do the same thing over and over again which is to try to get their measly two minutes to talk to their school boards. 

The few newly taken over school boards by conservatives are in the prime spot to collapse that 192 year old indoctrination system then let the new options unfold.

Three months…Oregonians and Washington State parents could save America in three months’ time from September to December 2022 to then have the best Christmas in America. And wouldn’t America be shocked to see that Oregon and Washington State did it?



July 7, 2022


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