Monday, May 2, 2022



Which Republican Gubernatorial Candidates will Join Stan Pulliam to Face Down the Antifa Flag Waving Drill Team?

The Multnomah County Republican Party (MCRP) core leadership for years have been afraid to come into downtown Portland. Candidate for Oregon governor, Stan Pulliam, current mayor of Sandy, Oregon did just that on April 30, 2022, setting up in downtown across from the Portland Police station in the city block area holding many of the judicial justice courthouse buildings, all of which continue to be boarded up.

Pulliam’s campaign staff person in photo, unafraid, rocking a colorful jacket, holding a Stan sign, videotaped the black clad flag waving, whistling girls and boys in black costumes and masks who had arrived. The 8 or so youth vandalized the Pulliam bus, set off smoke bombs, flashbangs deployed, and paint was thrown on people including candidate Stan Pulliam.

The candidate in no-holds-barred fashion expressed his anger at mob attack activity and called for other Republican candidates to take a stand. 

Crickets. From other gubernatorial candidates it was crickets on that call out, their social media pages silent on the situation as well as other candidates running for other offices in the Portland area quiet as mice except for one.

Instead supporters of other candidates went on social media to attack Pulliam for being there, some claiming it was a “stunt” and those attacking were “actors.” They were unable to explain why then did “Antifa” not flee? If one is going to pay actors it would seem the script would have Pulliam being the hero chasing them down the street waving his campaign sign as they disappeared back into the shadowland places in downtown Portland.

Searching social media posts for which Republican candidates took a hard stand about the black clad flag drill team vandals commonly known as “Antifa,” the only post found was a hard hitting post by candidate for state representative, Ben Edtl, of FreeOregon, calling out the Portland city government who created the insane Portland conditions that created and encouraged vast attacks and assaults in Portland. Edtl wrote:

One supporter of another candidate referenced the assault and vandalism as “Antifa nonsense.”  Assault and destroying property are crimes. 

Other candidates touting law and order were silent on the attack:

The county Republican Party is in a longstanding state of conflict between two factions who verbally slap at each other at their meetings which at times are secret as to location, time and place. They are often too tied up in arguing about “…who is the real conservative Republican…” while not getting out to do the actual work required by going into Portland neighborhoods to get out the vote for some qualified Republican candidates.

One faction in 2021 decided conducting a recall action on the MCRP chair Stephen Lloyd was a good use of their time during the Special Election of May 2021, instead of going out and supporting Republican candidates running for school boards and commissions in May 2021.

The "recall" group consider ‘they won’ even as the state Oregon Republican Party (ORP) did not address the by-laws violations related to the recall. 

A year later the same dynamics play out at the meetings that includes a lot of yelling, emotional outbursts about “trust” of one another, accusations of who is "not a real Republican". 

MCRP wants more PCPs (precinct committee persons). Of almost 900 open positions MCRP only has about 150 PCPs positions filled. PCPs are brought in, as history has shown, mostly to continue the Hatfield and McCoy entrenched battles. Thus, there is no support to show PCPs how to work their precinct to get candidates elected.

MCRP chair, Joseph Whitcomb, runs for a Portland City Council position as a “law and order” candidate.

Governor candidate Nick Hess runs because “urgent action” is needed because of the “rising crime rates.” 

Governor candidate Bob Tiernan who brought Measure 11 to the voters to put criminals in prison via mandatory sentencing was approved by 66% of the voting population in the 1990s was also silent on social media.

Other than state representative candidate Ben Edtl’s Twitter posting at the time of the event the other GOP candidates have been mum about the attack while various supporters of other campaigns criticized candidate Pulliam on social media for even going into downtown Portland.

Democrat former Speaker of the House, Tina Kotek, whose legislative director was arrested at an Antifa riot down there in 2020 is also quiet as a mouse about this attack even though Kotek is running for governor. 

The mob disruption went national on Fox and Friends.

 'From roses to riots'

"The city of Portland – from roses to riots. As a statewide candidate for governor, we should be able to go to the largest metropolitan community of our state and have a peaceful campaign rally," he said.


Antifa mob wreaks havoc on GOP candidate's Portland rally: 'From roses to riots' | Fox News

The race, to see which Republican candidates can show they can and will represent all Oregonians when it comes time for the general election, is on.

How many voters switched and registered Republican to help choose a candidate who might and can reverse the insanity which has gone on now openly for six years in Portland, Oregon.

The Democrat Party is going through some of the same conflicts and internal turmoil. It is not a one party dynamic or cultural characteristic.

The non-affiliated registered voters (NAV) out number the Democrats and the Republicans in Oregon. So many Oregonians have had it with both political parties. Which of the candidates are going to call this out? 

Even NAV candidate for governor Senator Betsy Johnson has not called out this mob action. Johnson's website does not even list the violence and destruction in downtown Portland for the last six years is one of her campaign issues.

May 2, 2022




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Ben Edtl running for ORP Chair is bringing a verbal flamethrower to the Oregon Republican Party statewide meeting in Portland, Oregon on February 22nd.

On a campaign promise to return power to the neighborhood duly elected Precinct Committee Persons (PCPs), not even Ben Edtl is aware of the ...