Thursday, March 17, 2022


Tina Kotek bragged of her 9 years of “passing groundbreaking policies” as Oregon Speaker of the House

Many Oregonians self-educated this last year to know that rules, policies, requirements, recommendations, guidance, suggestions, mandates, proclamations, executive orders, etc are not law. Oregon Speaker of the House, Kotek, who wants to be governor, seems to have not self-educated to learn those are not “law.”

Some said, “What was Tina thinking?”


Tina’s groundbreaking acts include her 2017 making abortion legal without a caveat to length of pregnancy in the bill. 

“Viable” was not a thought given in crafting that 2017 law?

The abortion industry from the beginning, illegal or legal (see the case of the Philadelphia doctor Gosnell convicted of murder) has aborted “viable” babies. 

Kotek and Brown’s law make no mention of “viable” or trimesters of when a baby may be killed. 

Kotek’s law does not give any thought as well to giving informed consent of the future potential health risks, including the increased possibility of breast cancer, future failure to conceive, future miscarriages, future pre-mature births, post-traumatic stress, that women might carry in themselves for decades before finally finding a healing to their trauma caused by abortion…in an industry that told them “…it’s no big deal….”

In 2022, the pregnancy issue does not come down along party lines. 26% of Democrat women are pro-life. 41% of non-affiliated women voters are pro-life. 

The Portland City Council last year recognized abortion as a cause for bereavement leave to be covered by the city. That was a big paradigm shift moment in the abortion industry’s history of telling women in their clinics “…it’s no big deal…”

Tina Kotek has no children which may, also, dovetail into her lack of actions of students being sex abused in the public schools. Attempts to meet with her on that subject matter were met with silence. 

Students now are overdosing in the public schools including two McDaniel High School students who recently died from fentanyl.

Tina not being a mom, may speak to why her campaign page is devoid of any concern for students whether the masking issue, the injections of Pfizer drugs, the sex abuse, the sexual misconduct of teachers, the overdosing of different drugs including fentanyl, and the deaths of students in public schools.

Many see Kotek’s partner in crime, Kate Brown, as being her role model in how she served up her power in the House. Seemingly, though probably unintentionally, Kate Brown took Marie Antoinette’s more gentile quote of, “Let them eat cake”,  and created the theme of the way she intended to govern Oregon and announced it to the residents of Oregon that “Revenge is a dish best served cold and slowly.”

Kate Brown, role model for Tina Kotek. Many see a win for Kotek would just be a continuation of Kate Brown’s “Revenge is a dish best served cold and slowly.”

Some have analyzed that the biggest special interest voting block for the 2022 election are parents and grandparents. 

What are the chances that those voters who think “…it is a big deal…” that parents would vote for more of the same, to continue, with the shock and horror that a vote for Kotek would manifest. Bring back Dante’s Inferno and the 8th Circle of Hell?

Parents and grandparents are pretty darn peeved about the last two years.

March 17, 2022




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