Sunday, February 20, 2022

OHSA comes Clean about Forced Mask Wearing… It is Not about Health and Safety of Employers, Employees or Students

What Brandi Davis, Health Enforcement Manager, wrote about an OSHA complaint about the health and safety of students at Barlow High School in Gresham, Oregon: 

OSHA disclosed, exposed themselves that health and safety is of no concern to them. All that is of concern to OSHA is whether employers are obeying the orders that Governor Kate Brown told OHA to tell OSHA to enforce on employers and workers, not whether such orders might cause harm.

That’s it. Post traumatic stress reactions. Breathing problems. Skin problems, Stress. Anxiety. Panic attacks. Civil Rights laws.  ADA civil rights laws. Health and safety issues are of no concern to OSHA. Only obeying Kate’s orders is their focus. Orders filtered through OHA an agency created in 2012 where now Kate Brown wants the legislature to make OHA the dictator over the citizens of Oregon.

Below is the letter OSHA received about health and mental health concerns related to students and teachers at Barlow High School in Gresham, Oregon forced to wear masks:

February 10, 2022


16760 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd, Suite 200
Tigard, OR 97224-7696

RE: Sam Barlow High School in Gresham and Oregon Department of Education

Dear OSHA:

At Barlow High school today supporting the students Mask Free Walk-out event a Fire Truck and ambulance pulled up. A student had overdosed inside the school.

There are students already dealing with trauma in their lives and the masking has added to and increased trauma, students wanting to kill themselves, attempting to kill themselves and students who have killed themselves.

Students advised us there are teachers who also don’t want the masks.

Others close to some families and students in that school reported students who are traumatized, acting out, and students who are now on medication due to the trauma foisted on the population by Governor Kate Brown, Tina Kotek, Peter Courtney, OHA, OSHA, Department of Education, School Boards, superintendents, and teachers’ unions.

Your duty to keep employees healthy and safe has been a failure with your singularity of focus on something called a virus that has never been isolated as directed by law.

Kate Brown shut down Oregon and caused trauma to kids all based in March 2020 on “14 presumptive…” cases of COVID-19.

OHA website does not list that as a reportable disease. Nor is it a “vaccine-preventable” disease.

The trauma that OSHA and the Department of Education put on employees, in terms of the teachers who are employed, resulted in them in turn foisting trauma on students. Mask free is the solution.

Margo Logan, MSW  

Copy: senators and representatives

As more and more Oregonians self-educated in the last two years they see clearly now how unelected failed administrative state agency after administrative state agency foisted trauma onto all elements of society in Oregon.

All to fulfill Governor Kate Brown’s desire and the theme of her administration that “Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold and Slowly” onto the citizens of Oregon onto the children of Oregon.

All this trauma foisted on Oregon by Kate Brown and her cabal consisting of Speaker of the House, Tina Kotek, now running for governor to keep that theme going, President of the Senate, Peter Courtney, OHA Patrick “not a doctor” Allen (he has a degree in Economics) and OSHA Michael Wood who got out of Dodge in October 2021.

The bloated unelected management bureaucracy is the deep state, the administrative state, the people behind closed doors who are not accountable to we the people who vote in elected officials. Elected officials who don’t know the corruption in that deep state administrative state thus the state apparatus often controls the elected officials by lying to them, by showing them false data, by making elected officials feel powerless, who also feel like victims.

The in-control ‘system’ since 1911, the system Franz Kafka wrote about in “The Castle” published in 1926 is now the out-of-control-system, the way-out-of-control system in 2022.  

Fredrick Winslow Taylor the Father of Scientific Management said in 1911:

Bloated with money and bloated with government employees who are bored but who can abuse the public, who use “power” they think they have, they use it as an outlet for their boredom, they use it because they hate their jobs, all of this came to a head two years ago with Kate's REVENGE themed intent, and has now gone Way Beyond the Pale.

In German history it was about a hundred cycle then Germany went bat shit crazy in the 1930s.  Here we are in the 2020s giving German history a go. Our public schools are German.

Some guess only a third of government employees are needed to do those government jobs. The government agencies are bloated with employees who hate their jobs but cannot give up being on the public dole with their salaries and benefits. If they did their jobs efficiently it would be exposed that only one third of the government workforce is needed to do many of those government jobs.

Roosevelt High School in Portland with only about 1300 students has three vice-principals. Doing what? Their salaries are over $100,000.00 a year, with benefits probably over $140,000.00 a year.

Does the now interim head administrator of OSHA Louis Savage not understand that mental health is a public health issue? Has he not seen all the homeless encampments stretched out all over Portland and beyond to other cities? That not being able to breath is a health issue? Masking of children can cause developmental delays. That young children need to see faces to learn how to speak properly? Does he not know what Stockholm Syndrome is?

What compartmentalized worlds and compartmentalized thinking did Governor Kate Brown create in making her appointments to manage these failed unelected government administrative state agencies?

But a thank you to Brandi Davis of OSHA for once more letting Oregonians know that masking is not about health and safety.


February 20, 2022








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