Monday, February 14, 2022




It’s Black History month, of course, the shortest month of the year and the corporate power folks could not help themselves and chose which Black stars were to entertain them at the NFL Half-Time Show.

In 2009 white women and a few black women loved The Blindside, arguably the most racist film so far in the 21st Century.

Edward Bernays, Sigmund Freud’s nephew, was America’s Spin Doctor in the early 20th Century, and Eddie reported how easy it was to control the masses through the medium of film. Visual images are the most persuasive. Eddie’s the reason women die now from lung cancer more than any other disease.

Thus, in 2009 for President Barrack Obama’s first year in office, the year kicked off with a Blonde white woman, Sandra Bullock, on screen threatening to castrate a young Black man, Michael Oher. The movie was billed as a true story. It had a six year old white child teach this young Black man how to play football as though he was intellectually disabled. Sandy goes into “the Hood” with her little purse, pulls out her little gun to school the Black gangsters that she means business. After this film came out Sandra Bullock who is German stopped speaking German and adopted a Black child.

Now feminist white women attack Black men and call them “racist”. Easily controlled feminist white women. The other side of the story includes what happened to the 60s women’s liberation movement in 1970 when CIA Gloria Steinem took over that movement, that led to the 2009 mind control of white women via one Hollywood film, while simultaneously putting women in positions of control in certain power structures like those that take children away from families, child protective service government agencies.

The NFL Super Bowl Half-Time Show and its Black male headliners who beat Black women included Dr. Dre. One of Dr. Dre’s songs is Fuck the Police. Dr. Dre slugged Black women in public:

Beatings By Dr. Dre. A list of girls Dr. Dre beat up | by Byron Crawford | Medium

Snoop Dog has his own history of attacking Black women:

Snoop Dogg’s hatred of Black women - The Boston Globe

It goes back in history, of course, where 1960s civil rights guy, Eldridge Cleaver, before going out and raping white women, practiced raping Black women. He wrote about it in Soul on Ice. It’s not a new dynamic.

The public school system was created by a Democratic Congress in 1854, a Congress of ruling elites (especially those from Harvard) who were afraid of the coming emancipation of Black men. As well they didn’t like the Irish. They loved the Germans and their Prussian mind control indoctrination school system, the system that caused Albert Einstein at age sixteen to renounce his German citizenship. Thus, our public schools are German. Kindergarten. German word.

That 1854 Congress put institutional racism into the public school system that even the 1954 US Supreme Court decision could not change with Brown vs the Board of Education. The lawsuit was against public schools not private schools.

Now there are three Black Americans on the Portland Public School Board who, wittingly or unwittingly, now continue the institutional racism in the public schools. Board member Herman Greene entry into the Portland Public School Board race in 2021 supported by the Democratic Party and teachers' union caused the Black women candidates who had filed before him to withdraw. They felt bullied and tokenized.

Now this school board with three Black American board directors support masking up children and support Black children being injected with experimental drugs. The Tuskegee experiments on Black men in history seemed to move them not.

Women since 1970 were inserted into some key leadership positions, thus, currently the Multnomah County Board of Commissioners are all female who picked a Black man, Travis Nelson, to replace Speaker of the House, Tina Kotek. Nelson is a delegate to the DNC (Democrat National Committee), the entity in the Democrat Party who picks the presidential nominee for the party. The common registered Democratic voter, do not know that their votes in the presidential primaries or at caucuses do not count at the Democratic National Convention. It's all theater during the primary season. Only the 400+ members of the DNC decide in the end who the presidential candidate will be. 

In 1968 the year Robert F. Kennedy was killed the DNC chose Hubert Humphrey who had not entered one primary race or caucus. The regular citizen Democratic voter, their vote does not count.

Black Americans in Oregon appear, at this point, at least those on the Portland Public School Board and in the Oregon legislature to be towing the line racists want them to tow, and many of those racists now are Democratic Party feminist white women.

Symbolically, the NFL Half-Time show with all of its Black Stars having performed for the power elite, ended with a white man, rapper Eminem, dropping to his knee. Was anyone fooled?

Except for one, all the coaches in the NFL are white men.

Blindsided in America, indeed.

Those who don’t self-educate outside of the public school system, those folks who don’t know history, don't read books. are easily controlled through propaganda visual images. 

February 14, 2022

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