Friday, January 7, 2022

Attack at Local High School


Roosevelt High School Principal KD Parman refused to notify the student body that vandalism & assaults are crimes

The Constitutional right to be on a public sidewalk outside Roosevelt High School in Portland, Oregon was violated by the Portland Public School District, its Board of Directors, the three security men on duty and Principal KD Parman on January 7, 2022, when two Roosevelt students amongst a crowd of about twenty other students returning from lunch attacked two citizens exercising those rights, with bottles of mustard and ketchup, vandalizing private property.

Prior to that moment that the attack occurred, before the lunch hour, before students left the school building, three security guards came out of the building and the biggest member of that group stole a poster board tucked into the Roosevelt High School sign to prevent it blowing away in the wind. The security man claimed he could do so because it was “…on Roosevelt property.”

Following the security guard down the walk way to the high school, repeatedly, educating him that he was stealing private property, security released the poster back to the owner.

Prior to releasing students for lunch, what the security guard said or did not say to students about the theft incident is not known.  What is known, is that on two previous visits to Roosevelt High School no students attacked, stole, or vandalized citizens or citizens' property. Few made taunting, vulgar remarks, maybe only two gave the finger. 

January 7, 2022, was quite different with more vulgar remarks, swearing, finger flipping, etc. Thus, the question becomes what did the adults, whether security, teachers, or the principal or maybe one of the three vice-principals at that high school, say to some or any of the students about citizens assembling on the sidewalk, before releasing students to go to lunch? Some students said to the citizens they had no right to be there, that it was "...our school...".

After the vandalizing attack, the citizens with the vandalized posters, walked towards the high school to contact the principal. Security came out once again, but to push only their priority, their only focus, which was for the citizens to mask up outside. 

Security expressed no security concerns for the public, for neighbors who live in the public school district Zone 4 area, in which Roosevelt High School resides, and no expressions of concern about the attack made upon them by two Roosevelt students with twenty-thirty other students watching.  

Ignoring the security men’s illegal orders, security's demands to go stand back to the public sidewalk where the attack occurred, where more students continued to return from lunch, the two citizens refused. 

It was noted in the next group coming back, one student with a brown bag (they all were coming back from Fred Meyer) was reaching into it, another reason the citizens were walking to the school, to get some protection from security. 

The three security men only stayed around the two citizens, trying to get the citizens to return to the sidewalk instead of at least one of them going to the public sidewalk to start an investigation to see what students had seen or knew.  

Many students go to Fred Meyer at lunch time. The bottles of mustard and ketchup were bought there thus there were witnesses to the buying of that, and to the plan to attack citizens on a public side walk participating in Constitutionally protected activities. 

Refusing to go back to the public sidewalk, with insistence for the the principal of the school, KD Parman, to present herself, to address the attack and vandalism, Parman appeared. 

Wanting to know exactly which two students it was, with the students masked, of course, identifying information could not be, and was not precise, for what Parman termed the “investigation” she would conduct. She asked what was said to the students as though looking for an excuse that students assaulting and vandalizing private property might have been a right and proper act.

A request for Parman to announce to students on the intercom system, newsletter or website that any attacks, stealing or vandalism by Roosevelt students are forbidden and are crimes, and will not be condoned, Principal Parman, refused that request. 

Role modeling is the strongest form of teaching children. What are the adults role modeling in the public schools? 

Further clarifying to Principal Parman, advising her, cautioning her, educating that her not taking preventative action would reinforce to students that attacking and vandalizing private property are acceptable modes of behavior, effectively condoning that type of behavior by the school, the school district, school board and superintendent. Parman was advised that the citizens attacked this day would be returning for further Constitutional rightful assembly, giving notice to Parman the school is responsible, and liable for students’ behavior.

During school hours the Portland Public School is responsible, the principal, the three vice-principals, the teachers, the superintendent, the school board of directors’ act in loco parentis to children, and they are responsible for their safety, care, well-being, supervision, and guidance. They are responsible and will be held liable and accountable.

It is a Constitutional Right for citizens to assemble on public sidewalks, outside of Public Schools, to express their concerns for the health, safety, and well-being of Oregon’s children and grandchildren. 

Margo Logan

Portland Public School District Board of Director candidate 2021

January 7, 2022

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