Thursday, December 2, 2021

Is Governor Kate Brown Oregon's Angry Mom?

Is Governor Kate Brown Oregon’s Angry Mom?

All Pandemic Restrictions ended June 25, 2021

Some folks continue to mask as Governor Brown issued the executive order June 25, 2021 (buried in a website some Oregonians know nothing about where the orders are not visually dated) to end the emergency she started March 8, 2020 then on television "urges" Oregonians to mask up.

At an outdoor Cafe with only four customers seated at two separate tables after having an extended friendly conversation in Portland, Oregon, one man stood up, put on a mask. When advised by others the masking, distancing and capacity limits ended June 25th he reacted.

Defensive, the previously engaging friendly customer switched to an accusatory tone of voice asking, “Don’t you believe 700,000 have died?” Reminded that this was Oregon, not India, Germany, China, etc, he began to move quickly away saying he needed to hear that first, but from whom he needed to hear it to believe it was not clear as he disappeared into the darkness .

Has that person been obeying Kate Brown as though she’s the all powerful mother? The angry mom that you yell at, but then obey because she seems to have power.

Social media posts as well showed a number of Oregonians not being able to wrap their heads around what June 15, 2021, Executive Order 21-15 meant. One thought folks were only mask free from June 25, 2021, to December 30, 2021. 

Some small business cafes continue to be on high alert for any disobedience to what they continue to believe is the law of the land. Customers play pool masked. 

Some small businesses shown how to keep OSHA at bay, don’t use that simple tactic. Those businesses responded they primarily obey by what Governor Kate Brown told them to do on television.

Is some portion of the Oregon population responding as though Kate’s their mother? Angry mom? Talking at Oregonians as though they are children? Telling them what to do, what to wear, when to wash their hands, when to stay apart, when to stand on a dot, when to do it, when to stop doing it, when to start doing it again, when to stop, etc. 

Some observed in one of her press conferences as she announced more draconian orders to foist on Oregonians, she was described as smirking, as one Oregonian stated, “She was laughing at us.”

Because of all the confusion Brown laid out in her 46 executive orders related to what she called “COVID-19”, did she and her administrative state agencies craft deliberate confusing and gaslighting rules, suggestions, guidance, recommendations, mandates, orders, and the latest one she “urges” Oregonians to “mask up”?

September 29, 2021, the Appeals Court characterized those types of words as “non-mandatory recommendations”. In that hearing as well Kate Brown’s attorney, AAG Casper let the court know the judicial system has no right to review any of Brown’s executive orders. The court commented in such a way as to take exception with his statement.

 Foisting massive repetitive verbiage on Oregon citizens via her executive orders, to the extent some wonder if Kate Brown has created yet one more item to put into the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual)? Maybe “Post Traumatic Executive Order Syndrome (PTEOS)”?

In Gary Greenberg’s The Book of Woe he unmasked how life in America became pathologized. 

It started in 1850 when a certain New Orleans physician discovered a new disease. The disease “drapetomania, the disease causing Negroes to run away, the one symptom being “absconding from service” showing “sulkiness” before running away. 

The targeting of Black Americans has deep roots in the scientific and medical community as that population has been targeted over and over again, subjected to experiments. 

The government public education system from its start in the 1800s materialized, was born out of fear of Black men becoming free men as well as Congress’ dislike for the Irish. First gun control law in America was to take guns away from freed Black men.

The governor of Oregon is right in the mix of setting up experiments on children with injections that are not FDA approved.

In Portland, Oregon the first 8 vaccine clinics in elementary schools were the schools with the most significant number of children of color. Is Oregon’s angry mom also a racist mom? Some inquiring minds would like to know.

Brown’s first declaration of an emergency came March 8, 2020, after merely “14 presumptive cases…”. 

Some say it can be easily proclaimed that Brown declared an emergency based on not one actual case of COVID. In two years not one child has died in Portland, but traumatized yes.

Quickly after the first came her “shut down” executive order. ORS 401.165(5) clearly shows Kate Brown in violation of that law that she could not have declared an “emergency” over every single square inch of Oregon and the Pacific Ocean.

 Other astute Oregonians looking at her seemingly endless executive orders noted her sleight of hand in attempting to get compliance by writing that there was a “global pandemic, and that President Trump declared a national emergency. 

Many noted if Trump had any power in the state of Oregon, he would have sent in the National Guard to quell the violence in Portland. Below is from Brown's December 2020 executive order. 

Sticking her 46 executive orders in a website with a bunch of other executive orders, with none of her executive orders dated, some folks feel like they are in a Find Waldo book. 

Article IV, Section 21 of the Oregon Constitution it is a “SHALL” that “…acts are plainly worded…”  Her executive orders are not plainly worded, and the wording of law like the emergency law cited above she avoids writing or talking about. This one from December 2020.

Reading Brown’s other executive orders, those do comply with ORS 401.165 (5) and the comparison then with her COVID executive orders is glaring. The flood and fire executive orders do comply with ORS 401.165(5), those are geographic areas, and those had emergencies contained within those geographic areas.

Many Oregonians felt gaslit, confused, felt like they’ve been on a roller coaster ride and not the good kind. Felt like they were the pinball in a pinball machine.

Some Oregonians continue to be demoralized thanks to the Portland media, the national entities who write scripts for their PDX reporters to read, television stations who so control their reporters the reporters cannot on the ground just go and interview anyone they want at a rally. 

PDX media writes and speaks seemingly endlessly of Kate Brown’s orders, Patrick Allen of OHA’s orders, never reporting on the empty emergency rooms and the COVID tests sites, never photo or video documenting them (the MASH tents are gone and UC’s look back to more normal).

Others have never worn a mask or took them off as they unraveled the Mystery and Deceit of Kate Brown’s orders, more and more Oregonians have been self-educating including slogging through her Executive Orders website.

 As Scott Adams of the comic Dilbert said that “Americans are flexible until they aren’t.”   

Scott also noted early in 2021 that the biggest story the media isn’t covering is the collapse of the public school system and the teachers’ unions. 

Dilbert creator: Trump is a master of persuasion - CNN Video

June 25, 2021, all pandemic restrictions ended. Masking and distancing ended. Capacity limits ended. More and more Oregonians claim ", liberty and the pursuit of happiness.





1 comment:

  1. Could you please provide a direct link for this statement--

    "June 25, 2021, all pandemic restrictions ended. Masking and distancing ended. Capacity limits ended."

    So that it is actually useful?


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