Thursday, September 2, 2021

Don't Take the Race Bait

Don’t Take the Race Bait

Compulsory Government Public School is Institutional Racism, Anti-special needs, and institutional Child Abuse

Five hundred or more white men died working to end slavery in the United States. The modern Republican Party was born out of the effort to stop slavery in 1854. 1854 was also the year that the Democratic Congress voted into being the system they received and embraced from the Germans, a system that our American Academic elites held in high regard, thus our compulsory government public education school system was created. Created to help with the plan to dumb down and control America was the first “public union”, the National Education Association (NEA), the association received a federal charter from Congress in 1906.

History on federal charters can be reviewed here:


The 1984 book revised in 2011, N.E.A. Trojan Horse in American Education by Samuel L. Blumenfeld tells the N.E.A. story, a book every parent will want to read.

Freed slaves immediately served in Congress after the Civil War. Black men were Republicans. Democratic white men started the backlash against the freed slaves through the Democratic Klu Klux Klan (KKK), threats of violence, violence, and death to Black men voting Republican and then the Democrats brought in the Jim Crow laws.

This Oregon bill is a band aid attempt by the Oregon Democratic Party to do something about the racism that has been the public school system since 1854. Not only to students of color but the most abused population, the developmentally delayed population, special needs children, thus the law creates one more school choice option related to charter schools. From the bill summary:

·         “The National Association for the Education of Young Children estimates that over 8,000 children are suspended or expelled from early learning settings annually in the United States. In Oregon, the Early Learning Division reports that 6.3 percent of families report being asked to leave early learning settings or take a break. For children with disabilities, that rate rises to 14.7 percent. For Hispanic and Latinx children, that figure is 9.5 percent and for American Indian or Alaska Native children it is 9.0 percent. For African American children, the rate is 6.4 percent.


Out of desperation as the real story of racism and child abuse done in the public schools continues to be known too publicly about the public schools, the system still hopes to hold onto the cultures it doesn’t like by putting money into charter schools while overseeing them and still getting that taxpayer money.

From the bill summary:

·         “In 2016, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service's Administration for Children and Families issued a policy statement on expulsion and suspension policies in early childhood settings. That statement recommended that states establish policies applicable in both publicly and privately funded settings to promote mental and behavioral health and eliminate or limit the use of exclusionary discipline in early childhood settings.

·         House Bill 2166 A establishes a support and assistance program for early learning and care providers to reduce the number of suspensions and expulsions in Oregon.

·         The Student Success Act (House Bill 3427 (2019)) established the ability of some charter schools with highly diverse populations to apply for grants on their own.

Translation, little ones in day care and pre-school were being overseen by staff that had no idea about child development, child guidance, how to teach, and how to keep children safe. Documentation abounds of incidents of child assault with little action taken against the assaulting and emotional abusing of young children. Documentation abounds of staff being approved through the vetting process who should have never been approved to work with young children. Historically going back 25 years children were abused in child daycare, pre-school, and in traditional public school education programs. The records have largely been hidden from the public. In Oregon Secretary of State Dennis Richardson before his death, in 2019, in some of his audits he brought that history to light.

These bills are a reaction to that and not a reaction to Oregon Constitutional conservative Americans and legal immigrants. The Democratic Central Committee (DNC), the Oregon Democratic Party, and teachers’ unions hope by using the Republican Party as a foil that the real reason will not get uncovered, and the real reason for these bills is the DNC and the public-school systems are institutional racism and institutional child abuse.

The forced masking, vaxxing, support of infanticide, support of genocide of Black Americans, support of surgery to remove the genitals of children, this decline in America continues down that line of unending abuse until and unless the government compulsory public-school education system collapses by parents getting their children out, otherwise it will only get worse and worse.

In this current crisis there are few words or actions about the fundamentals of an education that produces students who can read, write, do real math, know history, and can engage in a conversation about any topic because the mood created is one of Oregonians dealing with emotional trauma created by Oregon governor Kate Brown and those supporting her.

Once parents read the N.E.A. Trojan Horse in American Education, parents will get a determination to take the steps needed to protect their children. 

Find the bills at this link:


August 25, 2021


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