Sunday, March 10, 2024

Oregon SOS LaVonne Griffin-Valade, a Crime Novelist; in her Maggie Blackthorne series, Protagonist Maggie is a very keenly observant Oregon State Police Sargent. LaVonne as Portland City Auditor in 2013 brought a keenly observant "ethical integrity" look to that job. Where is LaVonne's crack investigation/observational skills regarding British Logically AI, Inc who may or may not have an SOS contract to surveil Oregon citizens? Who may or may not be British and Naval Intelligence?


Oregon Secretary of State.Yvonne Griffin-Valade, an appointee since June 2023 with a degree in public administration, having been the Portland City Auditor, having worked with Foster Care teens and now an author of the Maggie Blackthorne crime series with the protagonist being an Oregon State Police Sargent, should have well qualified Yvonne to investigate British Logically AI, Inc. What happened that Yvonne either missed doing that or has LaVonne hidden the results of her investigation into Logically AI, Inc and its many team members? Through a Public Records request to Oregon Governor Tina Kotek, Tina's office states no records exist that the Secretary of State vetted the company to insure that British Intelligence and US Naval Intelligence are not surveilling Oregon citizens and reported such to Tina Kotek. Nor does Tina have such a 2023-2024 Logically AI, Inc contract in her office to make a copy of for this Public Records request:

Nothing is found on an internet search that Logically AI, Inc has a 2024 contract. Too big a spotlight now on Logically AI, Inc, perhaps? SOS didn't end up giving them the contract? At lease one lawsuit was filed about taking away Oregonians First Amendment Rights.

Shemia Fagan, Secretary of State in 2022 gave the British company the contract to surveil Oregonians. Fagan was drummed out of office by May 2023 due to her $10,000.00 a month side job with a pot company. 

In visiting the Secretary of State's office on March 7, 2024 and asking two employees for the manner in which Oregon can return to hand counting, in neighborhood precincts, one day only election, paper ballot only, ID, vote by secret ballot and vote tally in the precinct in a manner where fraud cannot happen with the tally sheet system, the employees only resorted to explaining that the Secretary of State has a "DIRECTIVE", and in their belief system it is greater and more powerful than the US Constitution, Oregon Constitution and the Oregon law that allows for counting boards.They believe that elected County Clerks are subservient and obedient to the Secretary of State, and that's that!

Thus the question of "How does Oregon return to Hand Counting" was never answered. Sharing information that Senator Ron Wyden and Representative Earl Blumenauer had concerns about machine voting, thus, this has become a non-partisan issue had no positive effect on the two employees. May be an image of text 

The two employees defensiveness about the subject of the British company Logically AI, Inc, leads one to wonder if a secret contract has been signed even though nothing pulls up on an internet search on the Secretary of State's website. The two employees denied Logically AI, Inc is a foreign country company because "...they have offices in America."  In the conversation of such a company surveilling Oregon citizens, the female SOS employee used the analogy of " on-line company surveilling sex offenders and pedophiles..." as an example of why surveilling Oregon voters is a good thing.

Advised that public records that Rep. Ed Diehl received on that British company showed Logically AI, Inc had deemed as "HIGH RISK POTENTIAL" the simple and basic US and Oregon Constitutional conversations of Oregonians wanting to return to hand counting. The two unelected SOS employees, neither showed nor expressed an appreciation for the fact that many Oregonians, indeed, do not trust the machine system. What does it matter if any of the machines might be accurate, if indeed the citizens of Oregon or America do not like that system? 

The reaction of the two SOS employees showed it was of no concern to them how citizens of Oregon felt about the topic. How is RETURNING TO HAND COUNTING a "threat"?

How did a simple Constitutional conversation among the citizens of Oregon result in perhaps a British Intelligence and US Naval Intelligence covert company being contracted to spy and report on Oregon citizens for simply saying to their neighbors, "Yeah, I want to go back to the traditional in-person, in neighborhood precinct, one day voting, so we know by the end of that day the results of most elections."


Everyone knows by now of the Twitter files and the FBI involved in mucking around with Twitter, suppressing information and citizens having conversation in the public square of social media.

Truth in the Pacific Northwest wrote an article and a question whether Logically AI, Inc or one of its subsidiaries were connected to British Intelligence and to US Naval Intelligence?

British Logically, AI, Inc records show what they and Governor Tina Kotek deem to be "high risk potential MDM narratives": Whenever nefarious actors in the government, whether elected or not elected muck around and change the language it is a mind control move. It's like, to some, elected and unelected government officials have in their desks as training manuals the novel 1984. The novel was supposed to be a cautionary tale not a training manual.

Citizens are going, "Really? Citizens can't say, "Yeah, I don't like and I don't trust the machines so yes, I want to return to in-person, paper ballot only, one day only, ID, secret ballot voting at my precinct with my neighbors, and the precinct votes tallied there for everyone to see."

A simple community conversation by registered Oregon citizen voters brought an East German Stasi move to Oregon in 2022? And is it here now? Inquiring minds want to know.

A member of Naval Intelligence works for Logically AI, Inc.

More detail on America's intelligence apparatus in here:

The historical fact now fully out in the open since Elon Musk uncensored X is that the killing of President John F. Kennedy in 1963 was a coup. We've known since the 1980s Rosco White did the kill shot from behind the fence in Dallas, Texas. The mainstream media has been suppressing that information since JFK was killed. Just let America finally heal. Secrets hurt and secrets kill. It is time for healing.

We were under a coup since 1963 until Donald J. Trump won the presidency in 2016. 2020 was the COVID Coup to get rid of him. All the many corrupt court cases against Donald J. Trump are the Deep State's desperate attempt to have him not run again, and have him not win. It's a 3rd World Dictatorship trying to put their political opponent in jail.
60 Versículos contundentes sobre la mentira - Amor A Cristo

Like toothpaste out of the tube there is no way now to put the real history back underground anymore because we know longer have two major separate political parties, and the alternative media is now more front and center and not hiding history.

Bill Clinton put the Republicans' child sex trafficking/drug running/blackmail operation, headed up by Black American Republican Larry King, back underground in 1994 related to the Franklin Scandal in Nebraska involving CIA, US Army, FBI, White House and law enforcement that had been going on since at least the 1970s. The boys used in that blackmailing network, one of them, Paul Bonacci testified under oath that he was at the White House seven times.There was even a mainstream article about the boys back then. Paul thoroughly outed the MONARCH program that first started April 13, 1953. It was still going on in 1989.

Jeffrey Epstein was Larry King's replacement. Then it became primarily a Democrat run child sex trafficking/blackmail enterprise. Once that came to light with the help of Donald J. Trump when Virginia Guiffre's lawyer called and Trump returned his call...well all hell broke loose via Hollywood, the Music Industry, politicians, etc when Trump descended the escalators in Trump Tower and ran for the presidency. There is no other major political party to cover and now put this history back underground. And that's why the two major parties became what voters now call the Uni-party.

Epstein victims attorney salutes Virginia Giuffre’s ‘stunning courage’ as Prince Andrew settlement is announced | The Independent    2022 article:

The nation and Oregon can heal. The bottom line, core issue to all of this horror seen now is with what's happening to babies and children, that is the core issue in America. Our kids have been horribly traumatized, maimed and sometimes made dead. The trauma has been manifesting since 1994. Let the healing happen.

The answer is as simple as what Jesus said, "The Truth will set you Free." 

March 10, 2024

Ben Edtl running for ORP Chair is bringing a verbal flamethrower to the Oregon Republican Party statewide meeting in Portland, Oregon on February 22nd.

On a campaign promise to return power to the neighborhood duly elected Precinct Committee Persons (PCPs), not even Ben Edtl is aware of the ...