Thursday, February 23, 2023

A Four Year Journey - "Keep the Library Safe for Children" and the "LGBTQIA" groups - may be on the Cusp of some True Understanding coming from Both Camps

  The Vancouver Regional Library monthly board meetings have been attended monthly, for four years now, by Keep the Library Safe for Children, an older Christian adult group, and a young adult group from the LGBTQIA population. In the last month a small breakthrough in getting closer to understanding the hurts done to children may have happened.

At the January meeting both groups had a few moments of connection during and after the meeting that seemed a hopeful opening.  At the February 21, 2023 meeting the LGBTQIA group was distant. They spoke up about how they felt. They left in mass at the end of the comment period not wanting to engage this time.

At the January meeting due to a false story The Columbian Newspaper put out...they had come ready for some verbal jousting. At both meetings young adults were accurate in speaking out about the sexual abuse of kids in the Catholic Church, other churches, the Boy Scouts, in the public schools, in foster care, etc. Sex abuse of children is, indeed, pervasive in Oregon and Washington state. Both groups are in agreement about that. Also the comment that for some abused children the library was a safe haven for them.

 At the Tuesday meeting public comment given included "...that 7% of people regret having children." Accompanied with the comment that "...only 2% regret transitioning." 

The high suicide rate was commented on by both groups, including the statistics that suicide is still high in Sweden where acceptance for the last 50 years has been normative in that country. Young adults in attendance are looking for caring, respect, and understanding.

Some caring Christians in the group demonstrated respect toward the LGBTQIA group, including sharing about God's love and "God giving Free Will to adults."

Children the commenter noted don't have the maturity to choose...if they choose later when they are adults, God gave that free will choice to every adult. We have to protect the kids.

It is why Jesus said if a child is sexually/emotionally/spiritually assaulted, traumatized, if the sin of perversion is put on a child, it would be better for a millstone be placed around the perpetrator's neck and he be thrown into the sea.








Another public comment gave a noticing about RCW 9.68 and RCW 9.68A that is filled with lengthy concerns about child exploitation for the board to research in detail.

The new library board appears to have respect for all in carrying out their duties in listening to the public comments. 

The director of the library, Amelia Shelley, was noticed to be still trying to control, in that Amelia would not hand out to the board members a testimony hand-out prepared for the board on the The Franklin Scandal.  Nor did she want a pile of those hand-outs be put on the table for the public to take one.

One public comment from a mom was about pornography on library computers when her daughter was seven that caused her to stop using the library. 

At the end of the comment period board members were asked if they had any questions. One did about the pornography on the computer. 

Amelia instead of answering that computer question gave a chuckle, mentioned the 1980s were "before" her time then smiling mentioned the library used to have Playboy magazines. The parent corrected Amelia that the pornography was on a computer, that it was not a magazine. 

While the board was attempting to listen to answers from the public another staff person interrupted saying they weren't on the microphone, but she did not get the mic and come over to the audience member to speak. 

Amelia, seemingly, triggered by the board having a conversation with the community, interrupted again and said she'd do "...the research..." and get back to them.

The board was given a request to acquire a book the library does not have, Nick Bryant's book The Franklin Scandal, for them to read it then have all library staff read it. After that have further training on child sex trafficking.

 The library does have at least one copy of John DeCamp's book The Franklin CoverUp: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska.   

Ex-CIA director, William Colby, a friend of DeCamp told DeCamp in 1992 to get the book out quickly to afford him some protection. People were ending up dead as the Franklin investigation in Omaha, Nebraska unfolded.

William Colby was the CIA director who exposed the family jewels to Congress including outing the mind control programs and MKULTRA before the Church Committee in 1975. Colby was fired by President Ford and Ford appointed George W.H. Bush as director of the CIA in January 1976.

 Colby later tried to get the Attorney General of the United States to step in and do an investigation regarding the Franklin Coverup. The Department of Justice never did.

Two of the kids out of that child sex trafficking network, Paul Bonacci and Alisha Owen survived. Then they thrived because they would not lie no matter what the FBI did to them. 

FBI had Alisha Owen put in prison for nine years. Alisha would not lie to get out. Alisha had a strong faith in God and out of that...Alisha outsmarted the FBI and got out of prison. Details of Alisha's and Paul Bonaaci's journeys are in both books. 

Paul was traumatized into multiple personalities as a result of being tortured; it may be a story that might resonant with some kids in the Portland/Vancouver Metro area.

 Bryant said in an interview the pronoun situation that showed up in the culture may be a manifestation of trauma induced dissociative identity disorder (DID) from being tortured as little ones where created alters can be of varied personalities...male...female or other. It's important to know MPD or DID kids have no awareness that is their life. It wasn't until Paul was sent to have a psychiatric evaluation that the doctor saw he had MPD. Paul had no idea. 

How many kids today are experiencing what Paul experienced?

An interview with independent journalist Nick Bryant who interviewed both Alisah and Paul can be viewed at this link:

(384) Ep 389 - The Franklin Scandal (feat. Nick Bryant) - YouTube

Public comment from a child abuse expert was given that from The Finders to Franklin to Epstein the child sex trafficking blackmail network never goes down.  

The 1980s network headed by Black Republican Larry King was so pervasive that kids were freely talking about what was going down on the streets of Omaha, Nebraska.

By the early 90s including 1992 when John DeCamp's book came out, in 1993 we see Bill Clinton here with Jeffrey Epstein. Democrats had taken control over the network?

1994 President Bill Clinton sent down word through the CPS system, to "stop investigating ritual abuse", and just like that in blink of an eye it stopped in DSHS in Vancouver, Washington. The CPS unit heard the local detectives had gotten the same memo.

1997, Clinton's law took effect that opened the CPS doors and Foster Care doors to child sex trafficking. 

2017, President Donald J. Trump issued an executive order to take down human trafficking. 

2018 he got that intent into the Spending Bill.

2019, October 1st, President Donald J. Trump's law was enacted to begin closing that child sex trafficking door. 

2019, November, the next month the pandemic got under way.

2020, all kinds of agencies connected to protecting children including the media, the Fourth Estate in America...locked their doors, didn't come out or they went home.

2023 some agencies and associations are back in business like the Vancouver Regional Library Board doing due diligence in their duties to the citizens spanning three counties. Clark County, Skamania County and Cowlitz County. Fifteen different libraries. The downtown Vancouver library is colorful and inviting.






Keep the Library Safe for Children group, a few of their members spoke sincerely and respectfully to the young LGBTQIA adult group wishing no harm to them and expressing concern for those who have been bullied out of that group.

February 23, 2023

Ben Edtl running for ORP Chair is bringing a verbal flamethrower to the Oregon Republican Party statewide meeting in Portland, Oregon on February 22nd.

On a campaign promise to return power to the neighborhood duly elected Precinct Committee Persons (PCPs), not even Ben Edtl is aware of the ...