Sunday, December 25, 2022

Few Images of Baby Jesus on His Birthday were found on Christian social media. Santa Claus replaced Jesus the Baby. How did that come to be? And what does that have to do with Child Sex Trafficking?

Sexual/emotional/spiritual trauma devastation done to children greatly increased since 1994 in America. That is our pandemic.  

Many Oregon Christians masked their children. Sent them off to compulsory government indoctrination sex experimentation public school concentration camps. Did they not know?

Even worse were the parents who sent their children to Mengele hospitals to have their sex organs removed. Why?

Baby Jesus' parents, Mary and Joseph went into Exile to save their Baby. 

Too many parents hand them over to Evil people & Evil systems then want to claim they, the parents, are the victims.

Too many Christians seem to live in the Old Testament. They love Solomon who had 700 wives, who lost God's favor and support. Parents like Solomon's "Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child", meaning, "Yeah, beat the kids because Solomon told us to do that."   Solomon cut babies in half.

Baby Jesus was born after Solomon, but too many Christians cling to Solomon. What is that about?

Too many on social media forgot Jesus is the reason for the season.

Santa Claus got perverted as well. Christmas giving started with Turkish Bishop St. Nicholas to stop parents from selling their children into slavery into child trafficking networks back then in the Middle Ages.

But then what did the Germans do with that wonderful story of protecting and saving kids?

Martin Luther, the Reformer, angry at the Catholic Church got rid of the kind St. Nicholas or at least brought along someone to frighten the children, thus began burying the original intent of the first St. Nicholas to prevent child trafficking. St Nicholas Tag (German for "day") when children put out their shoes on the night of December 5th could find a switch in the morning to be beaten with that switch for "being bad." 

Politically correct now (or burying the history) images of the switches cannot be found on the internet. Just treats.





Germans in the mid to late 1800s began the transformation of the old Santa, of St. Nicholas, the protector of children into what we know today as the new Santa Claus. Too many parents use Santa like a club, like a weapon over their children.

Forcing children who are terrified about being handed over to a strange man to sit on his lap only teaches children adults have power over them. Parents think it's funny and post these kind of pictures of terrified children on-line? Really?

Parents need to learn this is how kids are taught that they have no power, no rights to their own bodies.

All over the internet we see children as well as adult women being victimized by Joe Biden. Why can't parents see how uncomfortable their children are? What happened to parents in their youth that they allowed this?

Senator Jeff Sessions was the only one who slapped Biden's hands when Biden was going in for Sessions' granddaughter.

What will it take to wake parents up?

Jesus is the reason why the New Testament says protect children. When will parents not protecting their children begin protecting their children? When will Christians stop living like they are living in the Old Testament in Solomon's time?

December 25, 2022

Monday, December 19, 2022

No Child in the Columbian Newspaper article 2019 looked excited, engaged or bedazzled, most look confused or indifferent in the photo. Why has the Columbian Newspaper gone away from reporting how children can be at risk in Clark County? Ugly men Dressed up as ugly clown women rolling around on the floor with children is NOT a trans issue, it is a child safety issue.

Couldn't the newspaper "see" these kids were not excited at all. Why did the director of the regional library  as well as the newspaper not investigate Clare Apparently and his pedo grooming video? 
December 6, 2022 the Columbian put out a hit piece on citizens simply worried about the health, safety and well-being of children in Clark County as well as in America. The paper falsely claimed (correction please):

Truth in the Pacific Northwest (TPNW) editor attended many of the library board meetings in the last three years, including being interviewed by a Columbian reporter in 2019. Despite the editor's expertise in child safety from her years working in DSHS CPS the paper never included  her expertise as to how sex offenders are drawn to places and people where they easily can see, access and touch children. 
No one "...spiraled out of control" at library board meetings including the last meeting in November 2022 picture here. Other than 2019 was a Columbian reporter ever again at a library board meeting?

Full disclosure, the TPNW editor assisted the Columbian newspaper with one of their top ten stories of the year, Child Care Nightmare

Stephanie Rice and Erin Middlewood received from The Society of Professional Journalists, the society's top Investigative Reporting Award for their 3-day series story in December 2007, Child Care Nightmare

The Columbian wrote this editorial at that time about the TPNW editor.

The paper recently took that story (important history for Clark County parents to know) off the internet. The paper appreciated the editor's help back then (see editorial photo).

Now in December 2022 the Columbian puts out a hit piece on the citizens who have been trying to get the attention of regional library director Amelia Shelly for three years, the one who allowed Clare Apparently in even after she watched his Miss Frizzle and the Magic School Bus pedo video. 

The Columbian misleadingly (see bold) wrote:

"The group then claimed that certain books that are in the library’s adult section are available to children, and that other books highlighting nonbinary storylines or LGBTQ+ characters are efforts of “groomers” trying to take advantage of young children. The term is widely used to falsely claim that members of the trans community are pedophiles trying to influence children."

The term "groomer" is widely used in the field of psychiatry, social work and psychology to describe sex offenders' methods of gaining access to children for molesting, assaulting, abusing and traumatizing children. Why is a newspaper and a library director uninterested? It's not hard to do that kind of research.

Library director Shelly or the Columbian could have accessed The Center of Behavioral Intervention's pamphlet written by convicted sex offenders where they tell parents how easy it is for sex offenders to molest children.  Cory Jewell Jensen, the owner of treatment center for convicted sex offenders (now retired), national expert on the prevention of child abuse.

Cory Jewell Jensen | Connections (

The sex offenders wrote: "I may touch your child in your presence so he/she thinks you are comfortable with the way I touch them."

Only 3% sex offenders ever get caught, convicted and put in prison. Be concerned where the other 97% are and what they are doing. 

Little ones are the perfect helpless victims when libraries make this kind of intimate contact with an ugly man dressed dressed as a creepy clown woman seem normal. Multnomah County Library deleted this photo when parents and citizens called out the problem of making it normal for children to roll around on the floor with a strange man.

Amelia Shelly was advised that whether wittingly or unwittingly done, the Miss Frizzle and the Magic School Bus video is a pedo grooming video. Shelly admitted for the last three years she has not and has no interest in studying or researching how sex offenders groom children, what they use and how they use videos like the Miss Frizzle and the Magic School Bus to show children, "Hey, this is natural, this is normal...see Miss Frizzle is doing it." 

None of the men who came to the library dressed up as ugly women to the library were trans. Gay men who do drag have said publicly to stop this sex grooming of children. What librarian in history does not do research on behalf of their library patrons? Instead Amelia Shelly did not do such research. The public sees now as well the Columbian newspaper not interested in sex offenders and how they roll, and instead this is their recent false headline.

This is not a trans issue. Truth in the Pacific Northwest sees this as a child safety issue related to, wittingly or unwittingly, drawing in sex offenders to the library, to the schools, to daycare, to any organization or group that cares for or works with children. 

Gary Wilson, one of the organizers of getting folks to the library meetings was concerned about children called "trans", but from the perspective of being worried about those kids and the suicide rate in that population:

December 19, 2022



Ben Edtl running for ORP Chair is bringing a verbal flamethrower to the Oregon Republican Party statewide meeting in Portland, Oregon on February 22nd.

On a campaign promise to return power to the neighborhood duly elected Precinct Committee Persons (PCPs), not even Ben Edtl is aware of the ...