Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Drag Queen Story Hour Ended in Clark County Libraries because of a small group of dedicated organized We the People Citizens in Washington State who kept asking why Adult Men dressed up as Ugly Sexualized Women wanted to have interactive experiences with small children? What kind of man wants to do that or does that?

 February of 2019 started this citizen group's journey as parents and citizens researched and found so-called Drag Queens with pedo grooming videos on the internet who had been welcomed into the Clark County, Washington State libraries by director Amelia Shelley to engage children.

Never stopping not even during the lock downs, their singular focus to save children from pedophilia that's gone amok since the North Carolina convicted sex offender got the whole bathroom thing going in 2016.


Gary Wilson with his band of dedicated activists did their research, made their signs and showed up to every government agency in Clark County including Public School District Boards and Clark County Council to make their voices heard for the safety of children.

The whole scheme to allow sex offenders into girls' bathrooms first started, wittingly or unwittingly, on the part of elected officials in 2016 in North Carolina with a convicted sex offender full out in support using transgender as gateway into the world of children.

 "Back in February (2016), the city council of Charlotte, North Carolina, passed a law that made that city the happy hunting ground of sexual perverts".


Sex offenders are drawn to the places and people who don't ask the questions thus this led to sex offenders since 2016 full out using the trans issue as a way to get into the places where they have easy access to children. Perversion gone amok in America starting in 2016, full out no holds barred war for the souls of our children and grandchildren.

The director of the Vancouver Regional Library, Amelia Shelley, in 2019 allowed a guy by the name of Clare Apparently who used a beloved cartoon character Miss Frizzle and the Magic School Bus to make a grooming video, doing oral & simulated anal sex acts in the video. Shelley welcomed him into the library even after watching the video. 

In almost four years Amelia never had an interest in studying child sex abuse or sex offenders. Shelly never thought to ask, "Why do Adult Men dressed as Ugly sexualized Women want their audience to be three, four-year-old children?"

Even this Clare Apparently poster made from his video did not penetrate Amelia's consciousness to study how sex offenders groom children through beloved cartoon characters and children's books.

Crickets with that Library board in 2020. Now in 2022 the board seems to have majority now who will address safety of children.

Then the 2020 library board was informed in 2020 of the selling of rubber penises on-line for the purpose of having them put into three year-old little girls' underpants.


At that 2020 meeting as part of the backdrop for the meeting the Library Board put this image on the screen in the meeting room. Some thought it brought to mind Tony Podesta's art work in his home, creepy. Tony's brother was Hillary Clinton's campaign manager.





As the three years moved forward in the lock down mode the regional library now offers to children books that are as concerning as the Miss Frizzle and the Magic School Bus grooming video. Testimony at the Library Board addressed some of those books on November 14th.

Parents, grandparents, citizens with the knowledge and drive to fight for the safety of children want a return to innocence for children in their very early years. Their ability to do internet searches to find horrible traumatizing material is bad enough then for libraries to foster it in their buildings, on their book shelves is, in experts' opinions, sexual/emotional/soul killing exploitation of children. 
Innocence must be returned to children's lives. 





One of the young people testifying spoke of having been traumatized as a child. It is the topic too many like Vancouver Regional Library director, Amelia Shelley, who acknowledged she has no interest in the exploitation of children, Amelia did not, has not and will not look into the subject matter of child sexual/emotional/spiritual abuse done to children's mind, bodies and souls. Not personally and not as head of the regional library.

Youth, those already traumatized as little ones get confused by who they are when they have been exploited by sex offenders. They simply don't know yet how they've been used. It's up to adults to keep them safe and teach them to overcome being exploited.

The group will continue on with their mission to save children and the library. 


The regional library board now has a majority on this board who are open to looking at the child safety issues at the regional library in Clark County. They will do it in a measured professional manner is the current view of the group who has been working for over three years on the success they now have achieved.  

The dedicated group of activists continue their work and they look forward to seeing the current board members accomplish saving the children and library.

November 15, 2022



Sunday, November 6, 2022

When County Election Officials don't want to know, have NO interest in reviewing a government website, showing on Average 20,000 DEAD people Registered to Vote each year in Oregon...that's a problem for the tight 3-way Govenor's Race in Oregon.

A big concern was brought to Multnomah County Elections on October 11th. For Elections, to please look and explain the HAVV government website. 

For an investigation to be done then let citizens know about these dead people HAVV says registered to vote? Who are they?

 https://www.ssa.gov/open/havv/havv-weekly-2022-10-22.html#terms HAVV reports it is a federal government website. It states HAVV is to be used to verify voter registration. November 5th at Elections both Democrat and Republican observers tried to help the main election official get clarity about the HAVV site. The historically helpful kind elections official turned into Sgt. Schultz:                  

Election observers tried to be helpful to the official as he seemed to not understand. 

The Democrat observer pulled up HAVV for him to see the website on her cell phone. The election official only doubled down that this government website meant nothing to him. He knew only HAVA he said. With a few keystrokes, HAVV pulls up, immediately, on the internet and it is tied to HAVA. HAVA and HAVV.  Hava we a problem here?

Trying to narrow the 20,000 yearly average for Oregon on new dead people registering to vote, a calculation of 566 was an estimate for Multnomah County to use on October 11th. The ask was for Multnomah County to investigate HAVV, and whether or not did some 566 dead people register in 2022? 

Who might these 566 dead people be who registered to vote and were any prosecuted?

TPNW verified one Portland address getting sent ballots for nine years has no mail box at that address, and the building has been empty from at least 2017 going forward.

How for nine years would the US Post Office not do "Return to Sender" mail for that address? 

Multnomah County was notified that the 112 year old had an obituary, died in 2012, but no obituary for the 106 year old wife was found. Instead of investigating where was she, was she OK (tax department gets their tax money from her via a different address), Multnomah County (MC) stated she was put on the "inactive" list. BUT, she might be alive.

And who decided the US Post Office can scan in mailed ballots back to County Elections with signatures on the back of the envelope, then sell those scanned images to anyone who wants or maybe pays for them?

Portland and other mainstream "obey Kate Brown" at all costs media were not seen at Multnomah County Elections for the primary. No news outlet seems to have even a thought of investigating. Thus, it is regular citizens who are exposing and getting the core stories instead of media fluff or sensationalism

Time for initial investigations on dead people is running out as November 8th Election Day is upon us in 2 days.

Shemia Fagan, Secretary of State and Multnomah County Elections never investigated the dead people on the government website HAVV. And that pot of dead people over ten years time add up to about 500,000 dead people who registered in Oregon.

With a main Multnomah County Official insisting he knows nothing about HAVV along with his lack of interest in doing a simple Google search for HAVV for almost a month is perplexing. With such a high distrust of Elections in Oregon it is perplexing any Elections official would be defensive?

It would seem elected and unelected public officials would want to clear up any distrust?

November 6, 2022

Ben Edtl running for ORP Chair is bringing a verbal flamethrower to the Oregon Republican Party statewide meeting in Portland, Oregon on February 22nd.

On a campaign promise to return power to the neighborhood duly elected Precinct Committee Persons (PCPs), not even Ben Edtl is aware of the ...