Sunday, June 26, 2022

Fort Vancouver Regional Library Director, Amelia Shelley, 3 years ago brought in Clare Apparently, a man who simulates Sex Acts as Miss Frizzle with the Magic School Bus. Shelley knew about the guy a year before he showed up at the library. In 3 Years, Shelley has not researched the harm Pedophile Sex Offender grooming does to children


 TRUTH IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST asked Library director, Amelia Shelley, at the Woodland Library board meeting JUNE 25, 2022, if she had yet read up on child sex trafficking pedo grooming in the last three years, and had her opinion changed about the pedo Miss Frizzle video that is still up on Youtube? Nope.

To the question posed to Amelia Shelley three years ago, Shelley responded on Saturday she still had no assessment or opinion of Clare Apparently’s “Miss Frizzle and the Magic School Bus” video, no opinion, no knowledge, no research into the sexual grooming of children. To her knowledge she said he isn’t a “convicted sex offender.”

Gary Wilson, pictured here at the Woodland Library Board meeting is from Vancouver. Wilson along with hundreds of parents showed up in 2019 to protect their children, and all children from the child sex trafficking pedo grooming training provided not only by the libraries, but by the public schools.

Library director Amelia Shelley told the Clark County media that the idea that brought Clare Apparently into the library was presented to them in San Francisco in 2018.

It was a " program"? How to teach children to do sex acts? How to be confused? How to destroy a child's innocence?

Thousands of parents since that time have wondered what is wrong with the Vancouver Regional Library director, and the library board, that Amelia Shelley has refused for four years to read up on child sex trafficking, read up on how sex offenders use beloved children’s characters to groom children into the child sex trafficking organized crime network? In speaking with Ms. Shelley at the Woodland Library meeting, her affect was flat as she was unable to articulate, unable to express deeper intellectual comprehensive thought about child safety. Shelly acknowledged nothing crossed her mind, no curiosity crossed her mind, about this guy and his Miss Frizzle and the Magic School Bus video in three years. Offers for an expert to educate Amelia Shelley on the topic, she refused.

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Three years ago, when Amelia Shelley welcomed Clare Apparently into her library to be around young children as a librarian (got her library degree in Illinois) she didn’t read his comment on the intent of his life.

Clare Apparently’s intention is to “disturb” children?


It’s one expert’s opinion regarding child sex/emotional abuse trauma parents exposed when they started showing up to school board and library board meetings, sometimes hundreds at a time in 2019…that led school boards and library boards to panic, and thus the shutdown of schools and libraries. On the ground investigators in 2020 photo documented and determined there was no emergency in progress in either Oregon or Washington State.

The Washington State parents did their homework, did their on-line research and tried to educate the Vancouver Regional Library board in 2019 including finding the rubber penis that is sold for parents to put in their three year old daughter’s underwear.

Many think that parents showing up strongly in big numbers caused the “shut down” in Washington State and Oregon.

Parents and grandparents are fighting back to save or try to recoup the innocence of childhood for children, and make the library about reading books again instead of being a Mengele breeding ground for social experimentation that leads to hospitals where children’s sex organs are amputated.

The Vancouver Regional Library has a director that is not interested in reading or learning. What is wrong with this picture?


June 26, 2022




Ben Edtl running for ORP Chair is bringing a verbal flamethrower to the Oregon Republican Party statewide meeting in Portland, Oregon on February 22nd.

On a campaign promise to return power to the neighborhood duly elected Precinct Committee Persons (PCPs), not even Ben Edtl is aware of the ...