Thursday, September 2, 2021

Oregon State Fair attendance is 95% MASK FREE! Media makes a big deal of 12 people complaining

Most local Media seems to have little to no idea about anything sometimes

The big news story from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel was almost 12 people complained about masks. Almost twelve people complained that’s their breaking news story. It's gotten to a point many citizens in both Oregon and Washington State do not believe a word the local news writes or puts on television.

Reporters seem not to go out anymore in person to get the story, so they make a report like this with photos making it look like the fair is sparsely attended when in fact thousands are going. Maybe 350,000 if the media has not scared attendees away.

The media reported that Governor Kate Brown said that the Oregon State Patrol would enforce masking. No, OSP did not. Everyone was having fun. No one was being harassed or arrested. 

In attendance for eight hours at the fair on August 30th an estimated 75-80% were mask free. Two days later it seemed more like 95% were mask free.

Washingtonians and Oregonians both seem tired of the Bizarro World that Washington State Governor Jay Inslee and Oregon Governor Kate Brown put us in a year and a half ago. 

Citizens, themselves, while the local media holed up in their homes, citizens went out since March 2020 and photo documented that no emergency was going on...not then and not now.

With time at home citizens started doing their own independent research. Some have been on the trail of how many on social media posted they took the jab, posting memes to that effect, then how soon after there was an obituary about their "sudden” deaths. Many of them were young. 

Others now across the nation are gathering data as government administrative state agencies and the local media that supports them produces images and data that are not reality. While the media pushes getting jabbed, they are not reporting on perhaps an emerging story?

One such independent journalist wrote:

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel other new math number was that “…100s of employees…” were out in the crowds telling people to mask up.


In two days covering the fair there were not “…100s of employees walking through the fair telling people to wear masks.” Folks were enjoying the fair. Being normal. There was dancing and singing, eating, drinking, going on rides and being merry.

One local media did a fair job of writing a news article on the fair, the Portland Tribune, just wrote mostly about the fair.

 Pin by Wisconsin State Fair on Agriculture | Animal photography, Wisconsin state fair, State fair

We will know after September 6, 2021, if the media fearmongering worked or citizens flocked to the Oregon State Fair, 350,000 strong, and had a fabulous time.

September 2, 2021




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